L’Osservatore Romano lauded by Pope for 150 years of service

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The Pope met with “The Most Distinguished Prof. Giovanni Maria Vian, Editor-in-Chief of L’Osservatore Romano” today observing the paper’s 150th anniversary to what is called “A service to truth and to justice.” Hearty congrats to Prof. Vian and to his staff for the insight, planning, and good journalism for the world-wide Catholic communion. The paper is often said the “pope’s newspaper” and that it’s the official newspaper of the pope. In reality L’Osservatore Romano is not that controlled by neither the Pope nor the Secretary of State, though the latter is the supervisor of the paper. Recall that the LOR was not founded by a pope or a member of the Roman Curia; it was a personal initative of the laity with support of the papal government of 1870. As Benedict recalls for us in his address to Vian and staff, the principle of justice based on Christ’s promise that evil would not triumph is what oriented the work of LOR. The only official part of the paper is the list of papal appointments. It would be simple to dismiss the paper or to look at LOR as mere parrotting of papal ideology. On the contrary, LOR does excellent work with matters to faith, reason, culture, and politics and related interests Prof. Vian has taken the LOR to a new level. LOR is “a paper of ideas, an organ of formation, not only of information.”

The papal address is posted here and the concluding paragraphs are noted below.

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In our day — frequently marked by the lack of reference points and the removal of God from the horizon of many societies, even of those with an ancient Christian tradition — the Holy See’s daily stands as a “paper of ideas”, an organ of formation and not only of information. It must therefore be able to stick faithfully to the task it has carried out in this past century and a half, paying attention in addition to the Christian East, to the irreversible ecumenical commitment of the different Churches and Ecclesial Communities, to the constant quest for friendship and collaboration with Judaism and with the other religions, to discussion and to cultural exchanges, to the voice of women and to bioethical topics that give rise to questions crucial to us all.

By pursuing its open policy towards new signatures, and an increasing number of contributors — and highlighting the internet dimension and breadth of readership, present since the daily newspaper’s very beginning,  after 150 years of a history of which it may well be proud, L’Osservatore Romano knows how to express the Holy See’s cordial friendship for the humanity of our time, in defence of the human person created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed by Christ. 

For all these reasons I wish to address my grateful thoughts to all those have worked on the newspaper of the Holy See from 1861 to this day: to the Director, to the editorial staff and all the personnel. To you, the Editor-in-Chief,  and to all who cooperate today in this exciting, demanding and praiseworthy service to truth and justice, as well as to the benefactors and supporters, I assure my constant spiritual closeness and warmly impart a special Apostolic Blessing.

Consultors for the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization named by Pope today

Today, Pope Benedict XVI appointed as consultors of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization the following:

  • Fr. Francois-Xavier Dumortier, S.J., rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University;
  • Fr. Pierangelo Sequeri, vice rector and professor of Fundamental Theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy and lecturer in Aesthetics of the Holy at the Academy of Fine Arts in  Brera, Milan;
  • Sr. Sara Butler, M.S.B.T., professor of dogmatic theology at Mundelein Seminary;
  • Sr. Mary Lou Wirtz, F.C.J.M., general superior of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and president of the Union of Superior Generals (UISG);
  • Dr. Chiara Amirante, founder and president of the New Horizons Association of the diocese of Anagni-Alatri, Italy;
  • Mr. Kiko Arguello, a co-initiator of the Neo-Catechumenal Way;
  • Prof. Lucetta Scaraffia, professor of contemporary history in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at “La Sapienza” University.
  • The list of cardinals and bishops who will be advisors to Archbishops Rino Fisichella and José Octavio Ruiz Arenas can be seen here (they were announced some time ago).
    Assemblying this new pontifical council has been very slow. The address of the offices and websites have yet to be made known! Communications and members of the consultors should been, in common estimation, ought to have been done more quickly. The presence of two American sisters, one of whom was a professor of mine, is noteworthy. You can’t get much better than Sister Sara Butler. Plus, I am elated that Fathers Julián Carrón,  Pascual Chavez Villanueva and Fernando Ocariz are on this list. Perhaps a few more North and South American laity could have been appointed. But that will come in time.

Vatican seeks Guidelines in dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors by clerics

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith delivered a circular letter to the world’s bishops asking for help in working for the common good of the faithful –protecting children from abusive priests. The CDF wants each of the bishops’ conferences around the globe to develop the appropriate processes assist the diocesan bishops in helping victim, educating the ecclesial community, forming priests, and being clear agents of charity and justice.

Cardinal Levada’s letter to bishops.

The Circular Letter can be read here.
The explanatory letter from the Press Office

Pope Benedict re-opens Apostolic Library

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Earlier today at
the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI re-opened the Apostolic Library following a
three year, 11.5 million dollar renovation. The Library’s more modern work
began with Pope Nicholas V providing space for Latin, Greek and Hebrew
manuscripts, updated its climate controls, security and fixed structural
problems. The Pope spent an hour exploring the library. In the Pope’s mind, the
Library is a crucial tool in his ministry as the successor of Saint Peter and the proclamation of the Kingdom of God on earth because it takes seriously humanity and the human search for God. The
Vatican’s Library is said to have 150 thousand manuscripts, a million printed
books, 300,00 coins and medals and more than a 100 thousand prints and
engravings. Some papal thoughts of November 9, 2010 follow:

Eminent place of the historical memory of the universal Church, in
which are kept venerable testimonies of the handwritten tradition of the Bible,
the Vatican Library is but another reason to be the object of the care and
concern of the Popes. From its origins it conserves the unmistakable, truly
catholic,” universal openness to everything that humanity has
produced in the course of the centuries that is beautiful, good, noble, worthy
(cf. Philippians 4:8); the breadth of mind with which in time it gathered the
loftiest fruits of human thought and culture, from antiquity to the Medieval
age, from the modern era to the 20th century. Nothing of all that is truly
human is foreign to the Church
, which because of this has always sought,
gathered, conserved, with a continuity that few equal, the best results of men
of rising above the purely material toward the search, aware or unaware, of the

Continue reading Pope Benedict re-opens Apostolic Library

Vatican’s new man at the UN

Francis Assisi Chullikatt.jpgEdward Pentin makes a brief intro of the new Apostolic Nuncio to the United Nations, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt, JCD, 57, 32 years a priest and four years a bishop. The new nuncio is the first non-Italian to hold this appointment; he’s also worked at the New York Mission of the Holy See and other diplomatic missions for the Apostolic See.

The news post of the Conference of Religious India Bulletin
Here is the homily delivered by Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo on the occasion of the episcopal ordination of His Excellency.
May God grant the Archbishop his heart’s desire as expressed in his motto, Fidei in Virtute (By the power of faith) that all will be accomplished for the True, the Beautiful, the Good and the One.

Vatican gives guidelines on sex abuse allegations

The Holy See has put in one spot on their webpage the numerous documents concerning the abuse of minors, and the Church’s response. Check it out. The documentation given here is crucial in understanding how the Church thinks and acts pastorally in view of sexual abuse of minors.

Of note is the “Guide to Understanding Basic CDF Procedures concerning Sexual Abuse Allegations.” The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has listed for the average reader the basic nuts and bolts of how an allegation is handled today.

Acta Sanctae Sedis, Acta Apostolicae Sedis & Acts and Documents from WWII online

The Holy See has put the “official documents” online. The three acta noted below contain the principal decrees, encyclicals, decisions of the Vatican offices and other notices of ecclesiastical appointments and interests. Church laws contained in the Acta are considered promulgated when published in these organs of communication and official three months from the date of publication unless otherwise mentioned. The Vatican’s website is not part of the official documentary services of the Holy See; it is a method of communication. So, access to this information online is an incredible gift:

Acta Sanctae Sedis (1865-1908)

Legion of Christ soon to change

Sandro Magister, a favorite journalist of matters Catholic, published a startling story today, “The Legion Awaits a New General. And Trembles.” In a few a words he reviews the moral and theological decay in the Legion of Christ. Magister gives an anatomy of the current situation and gives a likely cure to the illness the Legion is living with these days. Magister confirms my suspicions that some Legionary priests still refuse to accept that the founder, Father Maciel lived a second life, that the Congregation is flawed and it has dragged its feet in making the radical changes the Holy Father has asked for. From what I can gather there needs to be a total revolution in the Legion if it’s going to survive.

I continue to pray for the men who found their call to serve the Lord and the Church in the Legion of Christ. I think it’s possible to separate out the duplicity of the founder from the good the Legion has done but the possibility rests on the honesty of the Legion to face reality as it is and not what they think it should be. My advice: simply state that Father Maciel founded the Legion of Christ and move on and sever all ties with Maciel and his cronies. Or, disband the congregation and start anew. Many lives hang in the balance and we have to show our solidarity in this time of need.

Pope speaks to the Diplomatic Corps for 2010

What follows are excerpts of an address the Holy Father gave to the
Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See today, January 11. I selected what I thought were some germane points for our consideration.


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The Church is
open to everyone because, in God, she lives for others! She thus shares deeply
in the fortunes of humanity, which in this new year continues to be marked by
the dramatic crisis of the global economy and consequently a serious and
widespread social instability. In my Encyclical Caritas in Veritate, I invited
everyone to look to the deeper causes of this situation: in the last analysis,
they are to be found in a current self-centred and materialistic way of
thinking which fails to acknowledge the limitations inherent in every creature
Today I would like to stress that the same way of thinking also endangers
creation. Each of us could probably cite an example of the damage that this has
caused to the environment the world over. I will offer an example, from any
number of others, taken from the recent history of Europe. Twenty years ago,
after the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the materialistic and
atheistic regimes which had for several decades dominated a part of this
continent, was it not easy to assess the great harm which an economic system
lacking any reference to the truth about man had done not only to the dignity
and freedom of individuals and peoples, but to nature itself, by polluting
soil, water and air?
The denial of God distorts the freedom of the human
person, yet it also devastates creation
. It follows that the protection of
creation is not principally a response to an aesthetic need, but much more to a
moral need, in as much as nature expresses a plan of love and truth which is
prior to us and which comes from God.

It is proper, however, that this concern
and commitment for the environment should be situated within the larger
framework of the great challenges now facing mankind
. If we wish to build true
peace, how can we separate, or even set at odds, the protection of the
environment and the protection of human life, including the life of the unborn?

It is in man’s respect for himself that his sense of responsibility for
creation is shown. As Saint Thomas Aquinas has taught, man represents all that
is most noble in the universe
(cf. Summa Theologiae, I, q. 29, a. 3).
Furthermore, as I noted during the recent FAO World Summit on Food Security,
“the world has enough food for all its inhabitants” (Address of 16
November 2009, No. 2) provided that selfishness does not lead some to hoard the
goods which are intended for all.

I would like to stress again that the
protection of creation calls for an appropriate management of the natural
of different countries and, in the first place, of those which are
economically disadvantaged. I think of the continent of Africa, which I had the
joy of visiting last March during my journey to Cameroon and Angola, and which
was the subject of the deliberations of the recent Special Assembly of the
Synod of Bishops. The Synod Fathers pointed with concern to the erosion and
desertification of large tracts of arable land as a result of overexploitation
and environmental pollution (cf. Propositio 22). In Africa, as elsewhere, there
is a need to make political and economic decisions which ensure “forms of
agricultural and industrial production capable of respecting creation and
satisfying the primary needs of all”
(Message for the 2010 World Day of
Peace, No. 10).

How can we forget, for that matter, that the struggle for
access to natural resources is one of the causes of a number of conflicts, not
least in Africa, as well as a continuing threat elsewhere? For this reason too,
I forcefully repeat that to cultivate peace, one must protect creation!
Furthermore, there are still large areas, for example in Afghanistan or in some
countries of Latin America, where agriculture is unfortunately still linked to
the production of narcotics, and is a not insignificant source of employment
and income. If we want peace, we need to preserve creation by rechanneling
these activities
; I once more urge the international community not to become
resigned to the drug trade and the grave moral and social problems which it

To carry our reflection further, we must remember that the problem of
the environment is complex
; one might compare it to a multifaceted prism.
Creatures differ from one another and can be protected, or endangered, in
different ways, as we know from daily experience. One such attack comes from
laws or proposals which, in the name of fighting discrimination, strike at the
biological basis of the difference between the sexes. I am thinking, for
example, of certain countries in Europe or North and South America
. Saint
Columban stated that: “If you take away freedom, you take away
dignity” (Ep. 4 ad Attela, in S. Columbani Opera, Dublin, 1957, p. 34).
Yet freedom cannot be absolute, since man is not himself God, but the image of
God, God’s creation
. For man, the path to be taken cannot be determined by
caprice or willfulness, but must rather correspond to the structure willed by
the Creator
