Blessed Angela of Foligno

Bl Angela of Foligno.jpgPraise to the holy woman whose home is built on faithful love and whose pathway leads to God.

Almighty God, You caused blessed Angela to excel in contemplating the mysteries of Your Son. Through he merits and prayers may we share in the same mysteries on earth and rejoice exultantly in the revelation of Your glory.
A 13th century third order Franciscan, Blessed Angela, gave her life to Christ based on a vision she had had of Saint Francis and after living a wild, and some would say sinful life. She was a wife, mother and a leader of other lay people who followed the Franciscan Rule for the laity.
Blessed Angela is the patron against sexual temptation, against the death of children, people ridiculed for their piety and widows. She is often depicted receiving Holy Communion from the Lord, or in the case of the image here, from an angel of the Lord (given her name, “Angela”).
The observance of the feast has had a number of changes: some calendars note her feast day as January 4th or March 30th, but the current Ordo has her liturgical memorial listed today.
An Italian website on Blessed Angela

Blessed Mary Frances Schervier

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God, our Father, You bestowed a marvelous gift of
charity on blessed Mary Frances the virgin to help the poor and the sick. Grant
us through her example to live the spirit of poverty with prudence and to serve
the brethren with all care.

A little bit on Blessed Mary Frances’ life is found here and about her order you can this entry.

Some groups and webpages have Blessed Mary Frances’ liturgical memorial on December 15. The Roman Martyrology lists her on December 14 and the Franciscan supplement to the Roman Missal indicates today.

Blessed Mary Angela Astorch

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Come you who have my Father’s blessing. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.

O God, grateful towards those who invoke You, You gave the virgin, blessed Mary Angela, the grace to penetrate the secrets of Your richness through her daily office of praise. Grant that we, through her intercession, may direct all our actions toward You, that they be in praise of Your glory.

Saint James of the Marsh

As a fruitful olive tree in the house of God I have hoped in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
God our Father, You made Saint James an illustrious preacher of the gospel for the salvation of souls and for bringing sinners back to the path of virtue. Through his intercession grant us the grace to atone for all our sins and to attain to everlasting life.

Read his bio

Blessed Francis Anthony Fasani

St Francis Anthony Fasani.jpgThe teaching of truth was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his lips; he walked with me in peace and justice and turned many away from wickedness.

God our Father, You have made blessed Francis Anthony a model of seraphic perfection and an illustrious minister of gospel preaching. Through his merits and prayers may we always be fervent in loving You, effective in action and thus attain eternal reward.

Saint Leonard of Port Maurice

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Almighty and merciful God, You made Saint Leonard an illustrious herald of the mystery of the cross. Through his prayers may we comes to know the riches of the cross on earth and attain to its reward in heaven.

Renown for his devotion to the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Conception and Saint Francis, Saint Leonard joined the Franciscan Fraternity in 1697 and was ordained in 1703. One of his missions was to make known to the faithful the devotion of the Stations of the Cross. Saint Leonard was a popular preacher and writer. Read one of his sermons.

Saint Agnes of Assisi

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God, our Father, You made Saint Agnes an example of seraphic perfection for many virgins. Grant that we may imitate her virtues on earth and with her possess eternal joys.

Considered a co-foundress of the Poor Clares with Saint Clare, Saint Agnes of Assisi died three months after Clare. And like Clare, Saint Agnes was an abbess but of a group of former Benedictine nuns. On some calendars Saint Agnes of Assisi is commemorated on November 16, but she is commemorated today on the current ordo of the Franciscans.

Blessed Salome of Krakow and Blessed Cunegunda of Poland

Almighty God, You called blessed Salome from the cares of earthly rule to the pursuit of perfect charity; and You caused blessed Cunegunda to excel in purity of life and in wondrous charity towards the poor. Grant that through their example and intercession we may serve You with chaste and humble hearts and go forward rejoicing in spirit along the way of charity leading to eternal glory.

Blessed Salome’s bio can be read here.