He humbled himself in all things and found favor with God. Great is the power of God; by the humble he is glorified.
Tag: Franciscan saints and blesseds
Saint Thomas of Cori
Blessed Angela of Foligno
Praise to the holy woman whose home is built on faithful love and whose pathway leads to God.
Blessed Mary Frances Schervier
charity on blessed Mary Frances the virgin to help the poor and the sick. Grant
us through her example to live the spirit of poverty with prudence and to serve
the brethren with all care.
Blessed Mary Angela Astorch
Saint James of the Marsh
Read his bio
Blessed Francis Anthony Fasani
The teaching of truth was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his lips; he walked with me in peace and justice and turned many away from wickedness.
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice
Renown for his devotion to the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Conception and Saint Francis, Saint Leonard joined the Franciscan Fraternity in 1697 and was ordained in 1703. One of his missions was to make known to the faithful the devotion of the Stations of the Cross. Saint Leonard was a popular preacher and writer. Read one of his sermons.
Saint Agnes of Assisi
God, our Father, You made Saint Agnes an example of seraphic perfection for many virgins. Grant that we may imitate her virtues on earth and with her possess eternal joys.
Considered a co-foundress of the Poor Clares with Saint Clare, Saint Agnes of Assisi died three months after Clare. And like Clare, Saint Agnes was an abbess but of a group of former Benedictine nuns. On some calendars Saint Agnes of Assisi is commemorated on November 16, but she is commemorated today on the current ordo of the Franciscans.
Blessed Salome of Krakow and Blessed Cunegunda of Poland
Almighty God, You called blessed Salome from the cares of earthly rule to the pursuit of perfect charity; and You caused blessed Cunegunda to excel in purity of life and in wondrous charity towards the poor. Grant that through their example and intercession we may serve You with chaste and humble hearts and go forward rejoicing in spirit along the way of charity leading to eternal glory.