Catholics and Orthodox need to preserve the good of the dialogue for unity

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Back on 31 October 2012, Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk

delivered a lecture dedicated to the past and present of Orthodox-Catholic dialogue at Villanova University (Philadelphia, PA). The 46 year old Metropolitan earned a doctorate from Oxford University and was ordained a bishop in 2002. In addition to being a residential bishop he is also the head of the Department of the External Church Relations since 2009. He is a widely published author and an excellent musician of international repute. The two Churches share the same concerns, though there are nuances to be made but that is a conversation for another time. 

I think it is apropos to give a few extracts from the Metropolitan’s talk that pose some points for reflection on the unity of Christians. Remember we beginning the octave of Christian Unity on the 18th.

“The teaching of the holy fathers of the first millennium, when the Churches of the East and the West abided in unity, although at times this unity was subjected to serious trials, is the sure foundation upon which dialogue between Christians can develop successfully and fruitfully. It is my profound conviction that fidelity to the Christian tradition, the preservation of continuity in the teaching and life of the Church is the proper means for the restoration of unity among Christ’s disciples.

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Justin Welby appointed 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin and Caroline Welby.JPGThe 77 million Anglican Church has a new Archbishop of Canterbury with the appointment of Bishop Justin Welby, 57, as the 105th Ordinary of Canterbury, and successor of Saint Augustine. He was joined by his wife Caroline and his family, including he two-month old grand-daughter.

Spiritually formed by Ignatian and Benedictine spiritualities and makes the claim to have a Benedictine monk as a spiritual director, Justin Welby also says he’s been formed by Catholic Social Teaching. In the Anglican world Welby is an upper-class Englishman who attended Holy Trinity Brompton Church, an posh evangelical community that’s been highly influential in the CoE; educated at Eton College, and Trinity College, Cambridge.

He’s only been a bishop since 2011 and bishop of Durham, the 4th diocese of importance in England. Welby succeeds Archbishop Rowan Williams who is stepping down to pursue an academic appointment as Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge University.
Archbishop Justin Welby’s press release is noted here.
The posistion of Archbishop of Canterbury is vetted by a committee, approved by the Prime Minister of England and promoted by the monarch. The Canons of the Canterbury Cathedral will have to formally elected Welby as archbishop in January.
Some have said that Welby is just another face of the left-leaning establishment of the Church of England who seeks to “update” the Church with women clergy, a liberal approach to economy, and support for LGBT causes, and other matters of social concern. It must be noted Justine Welby says he’s not in favor of same sex marriage. The same commenters say that there’s really no change at Lambeth.
Archbishop Welbly will be enthroned in March. Cardinal Kurt Koch will be the Holy See’s representative. It is expected that shortly thereafter he will pay a visit to Pope Benedict XVI.
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Our Lady of Walsingham

Our Lady of Walsingham St Louis Abbey.jpgSeptember 24th is the feast of Our Lady of Walsingham. She has had greater recognition in the past few years by Catholics in the USA due to an increased interest in ecumenism and the establishment of the personal ordinariats that offer Anglicans to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. The prayer, though, is prayer not just for ecumenism but for Our Lady to be present to us in mercy. We pray…

O blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, Mother
of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon us, our
parish [our monastery], our country, our homes, and our families, and upon all
who greatly hope and trust in your prayers, (especially…). By you it was that
Jesus, our Savior and Hope, was given to the world; and He has given you to us
that we may hope still more. Plead for us your children, whom you did receive
and accept at the foot of the Cross, O sorrowful Mother. Intercede for our
separated brother and sisters, that with us in the one true fold they may be
united to the Chief Shepherd, the Vicar of your Son. Pray for us all, dear
Mother, that by faith fruitful in good works we may be made worthy to see and
praise God, together with you in our heavenly home. Amen.

Image above is from the Oratory Ss. Gregory and Augustine, the Benedictine oratory at St Louis Abbey.

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Fr. Carrón gives tribute to Cardinal Martini, calls Communion and Liberation to live differently with the bishop

The President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation,
Father Carrón’s, said the following in tribute to Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini in a September 4th editorial in Corriere della Sera

Giussani e Paolo VI.jpg

“And like Archbishop Montini, who initially confessed that he did not understand
Fr. Giussani’s method, though he did see its fruits, Cardinal Martini also
encouraged us to go forward. I am still moved by the words that he addressed to
Fr. Giussani in 1995, during a meeting of priests, when he thanked ‘the Lord,
who gave Msgr. Giussani this gift for continually re-expressing the core of
Christianity. ‘Every time that you talk, you always return to this core, which
is the Incarnation, and – in a thousand different ways – you propose it again.'”

The full text of the editorial: Julian Carron Letter on Carlo Martini’s death.pdf

This text is a brief, honest and yet key reflection not only on the life and influence of Cardinal Martini, perhaps an excellent synthesis of Christian life and how it is extroverted in a human being. There are some very tiresome reviews of who the Cardinal was, and what he meant to the Church too often in political language. To my mind those authors who evaluate a man such as Martini in this manner does not abide with the Gospel and faith.

The letter of Father Carrón acknowledges the fact that Communion and Liberation has significantly neglected the various opportunities of collaboration with Cardinal Martini that presented themselves over the years. This admission to members of CL should help all of us to reassess how we live and breathe in our given ecclesial context. This is a serious point that we can’t pass off to circumstance. That is to say, we who claim to be faithful members of CL need to work more diligently with the Diocesan Ordinary “in giving reasons for our hope” in concrete ways so that we are witnesses as the Servant of God Pope Paul VI said (cf. the letter).

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To the roots of communion

You can count on a delegation from the Ancient See of Constantinople visiting Rome and the Holy Father on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Most years a small of group of bishops and archimandrites designated by the Ecumenical Patriarch descend on Rome to pray at the Tombs of Peter and Paul, to attend the Mass with the Pope and those receiving the pallium and to exchange ideas with the Pope. Lunch in the Apostolic Palace is regular. In an editorial by L’Osservatore Romano,  Pope Benedict talks more openly about the goal of these ecumenical exchanges. Eucharistic sharing is still impossible, but the hope and identifiable goal is that one day –and one hopes it happens in the next 50 years– that we can be in full visible communion. The editorial is below with my emphasis.


The Second Vatican Council, the 50th anniversary of whose opening is to be celebrated next 11 October, has marked “a new and important phase in relations” between Catholics and Orthodox. In recognizing this the Pope expressed the hope that “progress may also be made in the current phase“, while waiting “to arrive soon at the blessed day when we will be able to share in the Eucharistic banquet“.

The traditional meeting with the Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, received in audience on Thursday morning, 28 June, on the eve of the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul, was an opportunity for Benedict XVI to recall the importance of the Council in the development of ecumenical dialogue. It was also an opportunity to remember, in particular, the “passion for the unity of the Church” which inspired the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and the Pontiffs, John XIII and Paul VI, who “made themselves champions of courageous projects that paved the way to renewed relations between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Catholic Church”.

Continue reading To the roots of communion

Benedict: Our divisions diminish our witness to Christ…The goal of full unityis a secondary victory but important for the good of the human family

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Dear brothers and sisters! It is with great joy that I extend my warm greetings to all of you who have gathered in this basilica for the liturgical Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, concluding the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, in this year when we are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, that the Blessed John XXIII announced in this very basilica on January 25, 1959. The theme offered for our meditation in the Week of prayer which we conclude today, is: “All shall be changed by the victory of Jesus Christ our Lord” (cf. 1 Cor 15.51-58).

Continue reading Benedict: Our divisions diminish our witness to Christ…The goal of full unityis a secondary victory but important for the good of the human family

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012

Week of prayer Christian unity 2012 logo.jpgThe theme of the ’12 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 Jan) is taken from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians “We will all be changed by the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (15:51-58).

The Church prays for Unity among Christians

Make known in us, O Lord, the abundance of your mercy
and, in the power of your Spirit, remove the divisions between Christians, that
your Church may appear more clearly as a sign raised high among the nations and
the world, enlightened by your Spirit, may believe in the Christ whom you have

On the 25th, Pope Benedict will pray Vespers on the feast of the Conversion of St Paul at the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls with ecumenical partners. He’s been committed to this work of ecumenism and has worked to give the work a better and authentic focus. He’s called the “Pope of Christian Unity.” Let’s be united in prayer for the the intention of full, visible unity among Christians.

Vatican cardinal meets SSPX superior general

Card Wm J Levada.jpgThe Vatican office organizing the “talks” between the Holy See and the Society of Saint Pius X issued a press release going over some of the areas of concern between the two. William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith met today for two hours with Bishop Bernard Fellay. Among the issues presented and discussed was the set of principles called the “Doctrinal Preamble” which is outlining the ecclesial solution of bringing the SSPX into full communion with the Catholic Church. Some are thinking that the pastoral solution might be akin to that of a personal prelature like what the Opus Dei is in the Church.

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The Doctrinal Preamble gives canonical and ecclesiological guidance for life in the Church, including principles for interpreting Church teaching since the Second Vatican Council, namely ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, religious freedom and the sacred Liturgy. This is understood in the saying: thinking (feeling) with the Church” (sentire cum ecclesiae).

No deadline was given but it is understood that a period of a two to three months is given to understand and pray about the issues at hand. It has been 21 years since the SSPX broke with Catholic Church.

Read the Vatican Radio’s announcement about the meeting.
Cindy Wooden of CNS covered the story.

Rowan Williams set to quit?

Rowan Williams Abp of Cant.jpgLots of speculation floating around these days about the retirement of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. If it happens, it’s expected after the Diamond Jubliee of Her Majesty, the Queen. Jonathan Wynne-Jones of London’s The Telegraph has an article, “Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams set to quite next year.” Say it ain’t so. I like Dr Williams, and I would be sad to see him leave the See of Canterbury. But may be if does, he can swim the Tiber, too.

“Ecumenism Is To Be Revived and Promoted” says Mansueto Bianchi

Luca Rolandi ppublished an article on the Vatican Insider “Ecumenism Is To Be Revived and Promomoted” taking his cue from the Italian bishop and president of the CEI commission on Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue who spoke at a recent ecumenical event on Spirituality at the Monastery of Bose.

The Bishop of Pistoia said that “In the Italian church there is a wealth of initiatives, aggregates, experiences who action is not flashy but is of great value… a sensitivity to be revived and promoted.” 
Bishop Manseuto Bianchi noted that the Monastery of Bose, founded by Brother Enzo Bianchi, a charismatic man who is not related to the bishop but shares the surname, is setting the pace of what it means to do the necessary and hard work of ecumenism. The programs of Bose affect and effect a “greater coordination and a renewed promotion in parishes, particularly among young people.” 
Why is this important? Because the unity of the Church is a stake. Christian unity is not an option, it is not ideology of the liberals: the unity of Christians is what and who Christians are by Baptism, and it is what we ought to work harder at. Pope Benedict is called by some “the Pope of Christian Unity.” Can you say the same of yourself, your pastor, your bishop?
We are a month away from Pope Benedict’s meeting in Assisi with delegates from the world’s religions; the Assisi path is not just for the Pope, it is a journey that all of us have to walk.