O God, you called Blessed Simon from a concern for worldly things and gave him the gifts of prayer and humility. By following his example may we learn to seek you alone here on earth and obtain the rewards promised to the humble.
Blessed Simon, a Dominican lay brother, comes from a distinguished family who gave themselves to ecclesial and civil service. While relatively uneducated in Letters, he received good training in military discipline. In a real way he was a soldier for Christ. Simon entered the Order of Preachers at the age of 27 and is reported to have lived an exemplary life as a Dominican. His biographers bring to light Brother Simon’s work as a convent gardener, thus bringing natural beauty and good food to the table. The biographer wrote, “He labored with his own hands, and strove to bring each flower and plant to perfection according to its kind.”
Brother Simon is also known to have had enjoyed the beauty of mystical union with the Lord, His Mother, St Dominic, St Peter Martyr and the angels. He also endured the annoyance of Satan. Grace triumphed. In his last days Brother Simon bore the burden of blindness, as did the Prophet Tobias.
The Lord called Brother Simon to himself on November 3, 1319. In 1817 Pope Pius VII named Brother Simon a “Blessed” of the Church.
May we follow the example of Blessed Simon who closely followed the Lord in prayer and work.