Doing community service because Christ loves me

The reviews of the 2011 NY Encounter sponsored by Communion and Liberation in January continue to surface. A recent view by Sophie Lewis on gave some things to think about in an article, “A Living Cathedral.” Lewis puts her finger on living a new way. Namely, that Jesus Christ has loved us before we were aware of that love.

Quoting a priest’s homily Lewis notes: “All of you are here because you were loved first, and that is what should be the purpose of your work here.” This COULD NOT BE TRUER! The priest continues: “You are not engaged in an altruistic community service project, but you are here because Someone else loves you and you are responding to that love.” Now, THIS is the perfect way of indicating our response to the invitation to meet God who works hard to meet us.

Sophie Lewis is 17 and approaching university life soon. Happy to see her digging into the beauty and work of Communion and Liberation!

Pope speaks to the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo

Fraternity of
St. Charles Borromeo is celebrating their 25
th anniversary as a
congregation of priests. The Fraternity is a new community of priests in the Church, founded by Monsignor Massimo Camisasca in 1985. It was signed into Church law in 1999 by Pope John Paul II as a Society of Apostolic Life. On Saturday, February 13, His Holiness Pope Benedict
XVI met with the Fraternity’s 
founder, leadership and seminarians. Here’s the text of the Pope’s address
to members of the Fraternity.


It is with real joy that I meet with you, priests
and seminarians of the Fraternity of St. Charles, who have gathered here on the
occasion of the 25th anniversary of its birth. I greet and thank the founder
and superior general, Monsignor Massimo Camisasca, his council and all of you,
relatives and friends who are part of the community’s circle. I greet in
particular the Archbishop of the Mother of God of Moscow, Monsignor Paolo
Pezzi, and Don Julián Carrón, president of the Fraternity of Communion and
, which symbolically expresses the fruits and the roots of the work
of the Fraternity of St. Charles. This moment brings back to my mind my long
friendship with Monsignor Luigi Giussani and bears witness to his charisma

Continue reading Pope speaks to the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo

Bernadette Soubirous is the lens Communion & Liberation engages reality

Bernadette Soubirous4.jpgThe yearly Communion and Liberation Mass was celebrated earlier this evening by our friend Bishop Peter A. Rosazza, auxiliary bishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of Hartford, at Saint Mary’s Church, New Haven, CT. His homily focused on the young girl that had the vision of Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Bernadette Soubirous.

The Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated for the good of Communion and Liberation –that is, so that it remain faithful to the charism given it by the Holy Sprit and articulated by its founder, Monsignor Luigi Giussani and for the peaceful repose of the soul of Monsignor Giussani.

2011 recalls for us that today is the 29th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s approval as a valid charism for the Church. It is also the 6th anniversary of Giussani’s death.

Continue reading Bernadette Soubirous is the lens Communion & Liberation engages reality

Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II set for St Catherine of Siena Church, NYC on May 1

The NY Community Communion and Liberation has been invited by Dominican Father Jordan Kelly to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II which will be celebrated at The Church of Saint Catherine of Siena (411 East 68th Street, NYCon Sunday, May 1, at 12 Noon. Father Jordan will be the main celebrant and homilest.

Monsignor Lorenzo Alabacete will be concelebrating and giving his personal recollections of Pope John Paul II and what the beatification means for us following the Mass.

If you already read the recent letter by Father Carrón, you would know that on the same day the entire Movement in Italy will be present for the beatification ceremony in Rome. If you have not read the letter yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. Father Carrón’s letter to the Movement can be read here

Please save the date for this moment of gratitude and unity.

Giussani’s “The Religious Sense”: a variety of points of view

The Religious Sense.jpgThis coming year the Schools of Community throughout the world will be working on Monsignor Luigi Giussani’s seminal text, The Religious Sense (in English in 1997).

In The Religious Sense, Monsignor Giussani explores man’s search for meaning in the given-ness of life. He demonstrates that reason is known in understanding and recognition of truth, goodness and beauty. Regardless of faith tradition, all people are in search for these elements and we can know the meaning of truth, goodness and beauty by the criteria of the heart, that is, discovery of these element is found in the person himself by an openness to existence which has the capacity to affirm reality as it is –from experience– (reason) and not from what the lack of self-aware world says reason is, that is, from outside factors.
Several essays open up Giussani’s work:
Father Julián Carrón’s Milan presentation of “The Religious Sense, Verification of the Faith”, a version of which was given at the 2011 NY Encounter: The Religious Sense, Verification of the Faith.pdf
Father Luigi Giussani’s “The Religious Sense and Faith”: The Religious Sense and Faith.pdf
John Waters’ “The Religious Sense and myself”

Communion & Liberation welcomes the beatification of John Paul

Don Julián Carrón.jpgFather Julián Carrón, President of the ecclesial
movement Communion and Liberation indicated the Movement’s plans to participate
in the beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1. Father Carrón’s remarks showed gratitude for the Pontiff’s

According to Father Carrón the Movement plans to “make the pilgrimage to Rome to join the Pope and
the Church in thanking God who has given us such an authentic witness of
Christ.” Father Carrón says that “We want to gather closely around
Benedict XVI, who in his farsightedness has decided to indicate Blessed John
Paul II to the whole world as an example of what Christ can make of a man who
allows himself to be grasped by him.”

Speaking for the heart and soul of
Communion and Liberation Father Carrón said, “If someone has an enormous debt
of gratitude towards John Paul II, we are the ones.”

I invite you to read the full text of Father Julián Carrón’s letter to the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation: Fr Carron on the beatification of Pope John Paul II.pdf

The way of sanctity lies open to you

St Justin de Jacobis.jpgToday the Pontifical Ethiopian College enjoyed time
with Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion to mark the 150th anniversary of the
death of Saint Justin de Jacobis (1800-1860), patron of the College. The
Ethiopian College prepares men for priestly service in their home country. Part
of the Pope’s address was devoted to holiness. On holiness the Pope said:

“Sanctity lies at the very heart
of the ecclesial mystery; it is the vocation to which we are all called. Saints
are not some exterior ornamentation of the Church; rather, they are like the
flowers of a tree which testify to the endless vitality of the lymph flowing
through it
. It is good to see the Church like this, in ascension towards the
fullness of the ‘Vir perfectus’; in continual, demanding, progressive
maturation; dynamically driven towards complete fulfilment in Christ.”

Here is a minute’s worth of a video clip on the event. These are the same points the Pope has made to the rest of the Church since he ascended to the papacy and it is the very theme that Father Julián Carrón has called those of us who follow Communion and Liberation to heed.

The New York Encounter: a Different Cultural Event

LAlbacete4 May 13 2010.jpgMonsignor Lorenzo Albacete, the ecclesial assistant for Communion and Liberation in the USA, published in the Italy-based online magazine, Il Sussidiario, an appreciative article on this coming weekend’s New York Encounter, a faith and culture festival.

The program: NY Encounter Program 2011.pdf

A few years ago, I accompanied Peter Beinart, then editor of The
New Republic
to the “Meeting for the Friendship Among Peoples” in Rimini,
Italy, the event inspired by the charisma of Msgr. Luigi Giussani, founder of
Communion and Liberation. The New Republic has been and is still the journal of
intelligent liberalism in the United States. As editor, Peter was, in a certain
way, the voice of American progressive thinking. After we returned to the
United States, I asked Peter to write down his impressions of the Meeting so we
could publish it in Traces. He agreed, and wrote a piece in which he concluded
that such an event was not possible in the United States because of the
cultural clashes taking place in our country.

Continue reading The New York Encounter: a Different Cultural Event

NYC’s Largest Catholic Festival January 14-17

New York Encounter
Crossroads invites you to New York Encounter, an annual

four-day public cultural festival that intends to offer to a large
audience opportunities for education, dialogue and friendship
through conferences, artistic performances, and exhibits.


Friday, January 14, 2011

7:00 pm | Education and Freedom in Contemporary America Opening key note speech by John Garvey, President of The Catholic University of Americafollowed by a live Jazz performance by the Xaverian Jazz Band

Saturday, January 16, 2011

3:15 pm | Jérôme Lejeune: a True Scientist The life and work of the great geneticist and doctor through the eyes of his daughter, Clara Gaymard

4:30 pm | How to Build a Human Economy for the Long Term in a (Post-?) Crisis Environment A discussion on the fundamental questions about work, economy, and finance with Clara Gaymard, VP of Government Strategy and Sales at GE International, and President and CEO of GE France, Carla Hendra, founding Chairman, Global Strategy & Innovation atOgilvy & Mather Worldwide, and William McGurn, Columnist with the Wall Street Journal
8:00 pm | The Tidings Brought to Mary The Blackfriars Repertory Theater and The Storm Theater present a special benefit performance of the play by Paul Claudel

Sunday, January 17, 2011

2:30 pm | Reality, Reason, Freedom: At the Root of the Religious Quest A discussion on The Religious Sense by Luigi Giussani with speakers Fr. Julián Carrón, President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation Movement; H.Em. Sean Cardinal O’Malley,Archbishop of Boston; and moderator Michael Waldstein, Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University

5:30 pm | Can an Accomplished Scientist be a Genuine Believer Today? Exploring the boundaries of faith and science with panelists Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, Theologian, and Author; Kenneth Miller, Professor of Biology, at Brown University; and Charles Townes, Nobel Prize winner in Physics

8:30 pm | A New York Night Images and voices from the heart of the city, presented by “Blue Lou” Marini

Monday, January 17, 2011

10:30 am | Giacomo Leopardi: Infinite Desire A homage to the Italian poet on the occasion of the publication of his poems in the U.S. with speakers Jonathan Galassi, President and Publisher of Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Davide Rondoni, Author and Poet; and Joseph Weiler, University Professor at NYU School of Law

Continue reading NYC’s Largest Catholic Festival January 14-17

New York Encounter 2011: 2nd annual event

NY Encounter logo.jpg

The NY Encounter: 4 Days of conferences, presentations, artistic presentations and exhibits
2 Locations:
Manhattan Center (Friday – Sunday, January 14-16, 2011)
311 West 34th Street at 8th Avenue, NY, NY 10001
New Yorker Hotel (Monday, January 17, 2010)
581 Eighth Avenue at 34th Street, NY, NY 10001)
The New York Encounter intends to offer to a large audience opportunities for education, dialogue, and friendship through conferences, artistic performances, and exhibits. Its goal is to foster, in a friendly and welcoming setting, interest in the full spectra of reality and appreciation for what is beautiful, true, good, and worthwhile in various expressions of human life. This openness and desire are the one fruit of the education received in the Catholic Church.
The New York Encounter 2011 program: NY Encounter Program 2011.pdf

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