Blessed Teresa of Kolkata to be made saint

Saint TeresaIt is reported today that His Holiness, Pope Francis authorized on Thursday the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate a decree regarding a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Teresa (nee Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu). The Pope met privately with Cardinal Amato on December 17th. The relevant data was presented to the experts (bishops, theologians, doctors, etc) who help discern with the Pope the reputed sanctity of a candidate and the miracle said to be attributed to the person. The miracle at Blessed Teresa’s intercession was of a Brazilian man cured of brain abscesses.

No date has been set for the canonization.

Mother Teresa is likely the most recognizable Catholic in the world because of her work among the poor. Blessed Teresa was born in Albania on August 26, 1910 and died September 5, 1997. She was foundress of the Missionaries of Charity in 1950.

Reflecting on the declaration of Blessed Teresa’s being declared a saint, Archbishop Thomas D’Souza, the Archbishop of Calcutta [Kolkata] said, “Her entire life was spent doing works of mercy,” he said. “Her entire life was spent in service to the poor…she was reflecting God’s love here among the poorest of the poor, and so it comes as a very significant event in this Year of Mercy that the Holy Father has given to the Church.”

Mother Teresa was beatified by Saint John Paul II on October 19, 2003.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Blessed Teresa

One of the most recognizable faces on the planet: a woman who pointed to Jesus even when her own questions surfaced. Blessed Teresa’s faithfulness and complete self-sacrifice for Christ and His people is what I follow.

“Go before the Blessed Sacrament- He is there. When we look at the Cross we know how much He loved us; when we look at the tabernacle, we know how much He loves us now. “Loved,” past tense; “Loves,” present tense. Not only past tense, He loves us now. He loves me tenderly.”

–Blessed Mother Teresa, Where There is Love, There is God, page 60)

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

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The most well-known face of 20th century Catholicism and care for the human person after Pope John Paul is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Her life and work is incomparable as well as her relationship with God even if there was distance between the two. Nothing is more beautiful in the spiritual life than an honest relationship, especially with God. Mother Teresa died on this date in 1997. Soon after her death, the Church waived the waiting period before a cause for canonization could be submitted to the Holy See. She was beatified on October 19, 2003.

The Church prays

O God, who
called blessed Teresa, Virgin, to respond to the love of your Son thirsting on
the cross with outstanding charity to the poorest of the poor, grant us, we
beseech you, by her intercession, to minister to Christ in his suffering

You may want to listen to Veronica Scarisbrick’s interview with Monsignor Leo Maasburg, a close friend of Mother, posted at Vatican Radio. He recently published a book, Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait, 50 Inspiring Stories Never before Told (Ignatius, 2011).

A prior post on Blessed Teresa and Divine Mercy


Divine Mercy: God’s love, God’s presence, God’s compassion

When John Paul beatified Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 2003, he said of her, in part:

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.jpg“As you did to one of the least of these my brethren,
you did it to me” (Mt 25: 40). This Gospel passage, so crucial in
understanding Mother Teresa’s service to the poor, was the basis of her
faith-filled conviction that in touching the broken bodies of the poor she was
touching the body of Christ. It was to Jesus himself, hidden under the
distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor, that her service was directed.
Mother Teresa highlights the deepest meaning of service – an act of love done
to the hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, prisoners (cf. Mt 25: 34-36)
is done to Jesus himself

Recognizing him, she ministered to him with
wholehearted devotion, expressing the delicacy of her spousal love. Thus, in
total gift of herself to God and neighbor, Mother Teresa found her greatest
fulfillment and lived the noblest qualities of her femininity. She wanted to be
a sign of “God’s love, God’s presence and God’s compassion,” and so remind all
of the value and dignity of each of God’s children, “created to love and be
loved.” Thus was Mother Teresa “bringing souls to God and God to souls” and
satiating Christ’s thirst, especially for those most in need, those whose
vision of God had been dimmed by suffering and pain.

Pope Benedict lunches with Rome’s poor, marks Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday

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Earlier today
the Paul VI Audience Hall was the setting for lunch with 250 of Rome’s
economically and socially challenged people with Pope Benedict XVI. For him, it
was an opportunity to meet Christ in brothers and sisters. The world, of
course, is more interested in knowing what the papal guests ate. The newswires
report that lasagna, veal and cake were on the menu. The Pope’s friends for
lunch are people who interface on a daily basis with the Missionaries of
Charity, the group of sisters founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Blessed Teresa’s 100th birthday is this year and the Pope wanted to acknowledge
the greatness of the woman who focused our attention to those most loved by God
and despised by the world.

Dear friends,

I’m very happy to be here today with
you, and I extend warm greetings to the Reverend Mother General of the
Missionaries of Charity, to the priests, sisters, contemplative brothers and
all of you here to enjoy this brotherly moment together.

Continue reading Pope Benedict lunches with Rome’s poor, marks Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday

Communion and Liberation on “Islamophobia and Mother Teresa”

The following flyer is being distributed by the lay ecclesial movement Communion and Liberation this weekend as a humble attempt to understand, in a serious way, what the Ground Zero-Mosque building proposal means in light of our saying we believe that Jesus Christ makes a difference in the way we live and see reality around us, and how He is truly present among us. If we really believe that Christ abides with us, then how do you (we) evaluate value of the current Christian-Muslim-unbeliever tensions? Do we, as believers, assess reality according to the way everyone else does, or do we Christians assess reality in a new way, in the way Christ sees reality?

The proposed construction of an Islamic center and mosque at
Ground Zero has resulted in the outrage of many Americans and the recent public
discussion about “Islamophobia” in America. These events provoke us to affirm
the following:

1. We notice a growing tendency to manipulate circumstances to
serve as a pretext to create a public furor that demands people make a choice
between one of two pre -packaged, ideological positions. We refuse to engage in
a debate about whether or not to build a mosque at Ground Zero. The reality of
Islam in America brings up questions that go much deeper than that of the
construction of one mosque. 
Indeed, one critical and open question is how contemporary American
culture comes to grips with the human person’s religious sense.

2. Many of
those among the cultural elite, as well as many who hold the levers of power in
our nation, have abandoned the religious tradition that informed the lives of
the vast majority of their ancestors: Christianity. They have reduced it to a
moral code or a vague myth, linked to a man dead for more than 2,000 years. Instead,
they have embraced a “scientific” outlook on human life. But science provides
no answer to those questions that continuously gnaw at the human heart, such as
the problem of justice, the meaning of human life, or the problems of suffering
and evil. In fact, science tends to stifle them.  Hence, contemporary American culture finds itself weak and
tremendously uncertain about any response to universal human inquiries and

3. Just over two weeks ago, we marked the 100th anniversary of Mother
Teresa of Calcutta’s birth. One who looks at her sees a resplendent human
person, overflowing with love for everyone, especially strangers of different
religions. Her humanity touched all: religious and atheist; Muslim and Hindu;
rich and poor. Mother Teresa’s life invites anyone who seeks truth to open his
or her heart and mind and take a fresh look at Christianity.

4. For serious
Christians, the challenge of Islam, the large-scale abandonment of
Christianity, the emptiness of the dominant culture, and the witness of Mother
Teresa signal the urgent need for conversion. Pope Benedict XVI recently said
that “conversion…is not a mere moral decision that rectifies our conduct
in life, but rather a choice of faith that wholly involves us in close
communion with Jesus as a real and living Person.”  The Pope brings us face to face with the defining difference
between Christianity and Islam: one religion bases its response to the human
person’s religious sense upon a message delivered 1,400 years ago, while the
other offers the experience of a Man who died but is alive and present with us
today.  As Fr. Juliàn Carròn,
President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, recently affirmed:
Jesus’ message and even all the miracles He performed were not enough to
overcome the sadness of His disciples on the road to Emmaus –only His risen
presence could ignite their hearts once again.

5. We are not Islamophobic, nor
do we fear our post-modern world. 
On the contrary, we invite all to look at Mother Teresa and at the Man
to whom she gave her life.  In His
Person, present with us today, all can find the Truth that alone will deliver
the freedom America promises.

Communion and Liberation

September 11, 2010


Benedict XVI,  General Audience,
Paul VI Audience Hall, Wednesday, February 17, 2010 (

cfr. Luke 24: 13-35

Here’s the text for easy printing: CL Sept 11, 2010 Flyer.pdf

Empire State Building stiffs Catholic League

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments as

Mother Teresa Stamp.jpg

On August 26, the U.S. Postal Service is honoring the 100th
anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa. On February 2, I submitted an
application to the Empire State Building Lighting Partners requesting that the
tower lights feature blue and white, the colors of Mother Teresa’s
congregation, the Missionaries of Charity, on August 26. On May 5, the request
was denied without explanation.

Mother Teresa received 124 awards, including
the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional
Medal of Freedom. She built hundreds of orphanages, hospitals, hospices, health
clinics, homeless shelters, youth shelters and soup kitchens all over the
world, and is revered in India for her work. She created the first hospice in
Greenwich Village for AIDS patients. Not surprisingly, she was voted the most
admired woman in the world three years in a row in the mid-1990s. But she is
not good enough to be honored by the Empire State Building.

Last year the
Empire State Building shone in red and yellow lights to honor the 60th
anniversary of the Chinese Communist Revolution. Yet under its founder, Mao
Zedong, the Communists killed 77 million people. In other words, the greatest
mass murderer in history merited the same tribute being denied to Mother

We are launching a nationwide petition drive protesting this
indefensible decision (TO SIGN THE PETITION, Click here). We are petitioning
Anthony Malkin, the owner of the Empire State Building, to reverse this

To protest this decision, contact:

Blessed Mother Teresa: 12th anniversary of death

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

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26 August 1910 to 5 September 1997

celebration of Mother Teresa should remind us that the work of mercy, charity
and compassion still have a fundamental place in our being disciples of Jesus
today. During her life Mother put into practice in many ways Charity in
(Fr Cedric Prakash, SJ, Sept. 5, 2009).

Listen to Mother

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta taught: “God needs our poverty, not our abundance. These are means of being humble:


  • Bxvi and MC.jpgSpeak as little as possible about oneself;
  • Take care of one’s personal matters
  • Avoid curiosity;
  • Do not meddle in the affairs of others;
  • Accept contradictions with good humor;
  • Do not focus on the faults of others;
  • Accept reproach, even if undeserved;
  • Yield to the will of others;
  • Accept insults and abuse;
  • Accept feeling uncared for, forgotten, despised;
  • Be courteous and sensitive, even if someone provokes you;
  • Do not try to be admired and loved;
  • Do not hide behind one’s own dignity;
  • Yield in arguments, even if one is right;
  • Always choose what is most difficult.”

Source: Mother Teresa, Heart of Joy: The Transforming Power of Self-Giving, Servant Books, 1987.