Cardinal Egan at Holy Innocents Church NYC

Sanctuary, Holy Innocents Church NYC.jpgCardinal Edward Michael Egan, emeritus archbishop of New York, preached at Mass tonight observing the the 15th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae at The Church of the Holy Innocents (West 37th Street, NYC). Holy Innocents is a beautiful church consecrated in 1901 by Archbishop Michael Corrigan.

The Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated by the Rev’d Father James Miara (a man ordained by the cardinal), assisted by the Rev’d Father Michael Barrone (Newark Archdiocese) and the Rev’d Father Richard Trezza, OFM, deacon and subdeacon respectfully. Nearly 400 people were in attendance.

The Cardinal focussed his homily on three points: the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord,  the 15th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae (1995) and the Mass. All three foci speak one language of obedience, though not an obedience of acquiescence to the will of another, but of an obedience that is filled with joy, done willingly and loyally.
The Blessed Mother sets the tone; some might say her life is a poem of love. From the earliest days of the Church the BVM has been an example of how to obey. She is an example for Catholics, particularly in difficult times, of how to live in manner filled with joy by abiding by God’s law joyfully, willingly, enthusiastically and loyally.

Cardinal Edward M Egan Mar 25 2010.jpeg

The late Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae taught that every human person is precious beyond expression, a mirror held up to the divinity. And thus, every person deserves respect. The encyclical opens with the words “The incomparable worth of the human person,” and then proceeds to lay out for the reader the roots of human dignity from Genesis, Deuteronomy, the Gospels, Saint Paul, Saint John and the natural which is written in the heart of all people.
In fact, the cardinal used an architectural image of sculpting to speak of the natural law being in our hearts and minds paying close attention to the reasonableness of the natural law which guides the human faculty of understanding. The natural law for us, pre-dates the fact of religion. That the natural law is written on the human heart we understand it’s function as being protective of life. People of reasonable mind, therefore, argue that the natural law applies equally to the baby in the womb as to the elderly woman in the wheelchair. Egan’s mantra becomes ours as it is our humane job is to protect life joyfully, willingly and loyally. And as the Blessed Mother gave her ‘yes’ to God, we ought to do the same for ourselves and for all of life at all its stages.
Apparently the cardinal watches National Geographic films these days. He highly recommended 2 films: “In the Womb” and “In the Womb – Multiples.” Both of these films show the great miracle of new life– alive, innocent and smiling. Only Egan would talk about Aristotle’s quip that the sign of a human being is his ability to smile. One would think that man’s ability to smile is linked to rationality and that the high tech photography of pre-born babies show them smiling would convince the cold rationalist to admit that which is in the woman womb is not fleshy stuff but a human being, an innocent baby. I suppose the non-smiling among us aren’t human yet. I wonder. Could Aristotle be correct?
Egan uttered the pious ejaculation: “Yes, Lord, we will defend children from conception to their natural end.
Ordained a priest in Rome in 1957 by Archbishop Martin J. O’Connor, a man for whom His Eminence has had the “greatest respect,” the themes imprinted on Egan’s heart were that of loyalty and obedience (lived joyfully and willingly, of course). Egan expressed his love for the Ordinary and the Extraordinary Forms of the Mass. As he said, he’s an obedient and loyal son of the Church and since Pope Benedict has determined the Church needs two forms of the Mass, he abides. In fact, the cardinal indicated that he “hears the voice of the Church as the will of God.” Benedict’s motu proprio Summorum Pontificum allows for the Missal of Blessed John XXIII to flourish and it deserves all people’s respect and love. Egan encouraged all to follow and truly embrace the faith as it is lived in sacred Scripture, sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Brought together, the priest and the faithful are to adjust to the leadership of the Catholic Church as Mary was obedient to God in Gabriel announcement of the Day of Redemption and as Pope John Paul II taught in Evangelium Vitae and as Pope Benedict in making the 1962 Missal a respectable form of worship consistent with theological and liturgical tradition.

Cardinal Egan to preach at a Solemn Mass observing the 15th anniv of Evangelium Vitae, March 25

Edward M Egan.jpgNew York’s Agnus Dei
Council of the Knights of Columbus announced that Edward Cardinal Egan
would attend and preach the homily at a Solemn Mass for the Feast of the
Annunciation but that he would not celebrate a Pontifical Mass as planned and
announced. This Mass will mark the 15th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae
(The Gospel of Life), the pro-life encyclical by Pope John Paul II issued on
March 25, 1995.

In a brief statement received last week, the Cardinal asked
that his celebration of the Pontifical Mass “scheduled for March 25th at Holy
Innocents Parish be postponed to a later date.”  The statement to the
Knights explained the reason for postponing the Pontifical celebration:

of so many commitments over the last several weeks, the Cardinal has not had
time to prepare for the Mass properly.  He looks forward to arranging
another date with the Knights of Columbus . . . whose invitation he deeply

His Eminence will nevertheless attend and preach the homily at a
Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation according to the 1962 Missal
celebrated by Fr. James Miara of the Archdiocese of New York.

The Solemn
Mass begins at 7:30 PM at the Church of the Holy Innocents, 128 W. 37th Street,
in Manhattan, home to New York City’s Shrine of the Unborn.  Before Mass,
there will be a Rosary for Life at 7:00 PM.

WHAT:    Solemn Mass
for Life, Edward Cardinal Egan, Homilist

WHERE:  The Church of the Holy
Innocents, 128 W. 37th Street, Manhattan
WHEN:  Thursday, March 25th;
Rosary for Life, 7 PM; Solemn Mass, 7:30 PM

For more information, call (212)
569-1252 or visit

7 to be ordained for New York Archdiocese & 3 for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in May

This afternoon, the Rector of Saint Joseph’s Seminary (Yonkers, NY) The Most Reverend Gerald T. Walsh, MSW, told seven deacons (the 4th year class) that the Archbishop of New York, Timothy M. Dolan, has called them to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. So, we say that they have “received the call.”


The deacons are: James Ferreira, George LaGrutta, Steven Markantonis, Fredy Patino-Montoya, Thomas Roslak, Enrique Salvo and Daniel Tuite. All seven deacons will serve in the Archdiocese of New York.

Also to be ordained and part of the 4th year class are three Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Brothers Albert Osewski, Charles-Benoit Reche and Isaac Mary Spinharney. Our Franciscan friars have been assigned to Nicargua, Ireland and Honduras, respectively.
“The priest, who is called,” Pope John Paul II said in Pastores Dabo Vobis, “is to be a ‘living image’ of Jesus Christ, head and shepherd of the Church, should seek to reflect in himself, as far as possible, the human perfection which shines forth in the incarnate Son of God and which is reflected with particular liveliness in his attitudes towards others as we see narrated in the Gospels. The ministry of the priest is, certainly, to proclaim the word, to celebrate the sacraments, to guide the Christian community in charity ‘in the name and in the person of Christ,’ but all this he does dealing always and only with individual human beings …. In order that his ministry may be humanly as credible and acceptable as possible, it is important that the priest should mold his personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity.”
The ten deacons will be ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Timothy Michael Dolan, PhD, on May 15, 2010, at The Cathedral of Saint Patrick at 9 a.m.

Old St Patrick’s Cathedral named a basilica by Benedict XVI

Old St Patrick's Basilica.jpgGreat news for the Archdiocese of New York: Old St Patrick’s Cathedral (since 1809) has been a minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI.

Old St Patrick’s is the first church in the Archdiocese of New York to have the honor of being so connected with the Holy Father.

Congrats to Archbishop Dolan, Monsignor Donald Sakano!

You may recall recently that I mentioned that the Bridgeport Diocese had one of their churches raised to a minor basilica.
Take a look at the document on what it takes to be a minor basilica, Domus Ecclesiae or “On Granting of the Title of Minor Basilica.”
This is terrific news on the Solemnity of Saint Patrick!
Blessed be God in His angels and in saints!

Seminary and Sex

Creation of Eve Michelangelo.jpgSexuality is a beautiful part of being human and it is a gift from God that needs to be known, understood, appreciated and embraced (no pun intended). Sexuality is a holy part of being a man or a woman. Unfortunately, that’s not the message we receive in secular society and it is infrequently heard from the pulpit in Catholic churches and very likely not in other Christian communities. Unheard of from the pulpit, that is, until Pope John Paul II introduced his monumental work, Theology of the Body. But that’s a topic for another time. Sexuality is not just a religious issue, it is a human issue and everything human is of our interest.

Religion & Ethics Newsweekly ran an interesting story on sexuality. I will say it makes some good points BUT there are some views that are inconsistent with Catholicism. OK, but that’s a not a good reason not to watch the story! Familiarize yourself with the issues –watch the video and read something on the Theology of the Body. AND don’t be scared.
At places like St Joseph’s Seminary there’s a course on human sexuality taught by Father John Bonnici, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York. Father Bonnici deals with the physiological, psychological, relational, spiritual and theological aspects of human sexuality viz. priestly ministry. AND I am glad to have the class. It is a forum for us to intelligently speak about human sexuality matters while considering the pastoral issues at hand that we will encounter in the parish setting. Learning on the job is not an adequate response any longer… sorry….

Dolan reviews the year with Diana Williams

“Up Close” with Diana Williams’ of ABC 7 in NYC interviewed Archbishop Tim Dolan on his first year as chief shepherd of the NY Archdiocese, the second largest in the USA. All of his joy on being a priest and a bishop comes through in the interview. Thanks be to God because we need Archbishop Dolan’s pastoral leadership and theological connection with Pope Benedict XVI. Watch the three-part interview: Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Archbishop Dolan notes a need for coherence in faith & public order

In a NY1 Exclusive interview with NY’s Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan the other day, the Archbishop spoke about many things including NY politics, culture and he distinguishes between being welcome to attend events and being honored at publicly sponsored Catholic events. A topic many Catholics are familiar with in recent years, especially at university graduation time. This is question is also on the plate since the St Patrick’s Day Parade is fast approaching at which the gay and lesbian activists normally cause a stir because of perceived anti-Catholic bias toward their lifestyle and then in fall there’s the Al Smith dinner where Catholics and politicos rub shoulders at a high profile dinner. People want to know what and how the Church is going to handle such situations; the Catholics need solid guidance and reasons for belief and hope. The Archbishop is clear that when it comes to faith and the public order people we need (want!) good leadership who live lives with honesty and that the public have an expectation that civil and religious leadership be questioned about their lives. Good governance depends on coherent life. Politically people are asking these questions in light of the recent troubles of NY governor David Paterson, a Catholic and yet pro-abortion, not to mention pro-liberal on all topics.