Dolan writes to Members of the 112th Congress

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan’s letter to Members of the 112th Congress speaks for itself. As he notes, US Catholics are the largest religious body in the USA. 68 million, 22% of the US population. There are 195 archdioceses and dioceses with one apostolic exarchate. Other interesting statistics can be found here.

Dear Member of

Abp Timothy M.Dolan NY & USCCB Pres.jpg

As a new Congress begins, I write to congratulate you and to outline
principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts of the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). As President of the Bishops’
Conference, I assure you of our prayers and hopes that this newly elected
Congress will advance the common good and defend the life and dignity of all,
especially vulnerable and poor persons whose needs are critical in this time of
difficult economic and policy choices. We continue to seek ways to work
constructively with the Administration and the new Congress and others of good
will to pursue policies which respect the dignity of all human life and bring
greater justice to our nation and peace to our world.

As bishops, of course we
approach public policy not as politicians but as pastors and teachers
. Our
moral principles have always guided our everyday experience in caring for the
hungry and homeless, offering health care and housing, educating children and
reaching out to those in need. We lead the largest community of faith in the
United States
, one that serves every part of our nation and is present in
almost every place on earth. From our experience and our tradition, we offer a
distinctive, constructive and principled contribution to the national dialogue
on how to defend human life and dignity, promote and protect marriage and
family life, lift up those who experience economic turmoil and suffering, and
promote peace in a world troubled by war and violence

Continue reading Dolan writes to Members of the 112th Congress

Pope distinguishes St Patrick’s Old Cathedral as “Basilica”

Old St Patrick's Cathedral NYC2.jpgIn solemn rites during second Vespers for the Second Sunday of Advent, Archbishop Timothy Michael Dolan formally inaugurated the Archdiocese of New York’s first minor basilica, Saint Patrick’s Old Cathedral, a community of Catholic faith since 1809. A prior blog post notes the announcement.

Other area churches distinguished with the title of “basilica” are: Saint James Cathedral and Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Brooklyn Diocese, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in the Newark Archdiocese, the Church of the Immaculate Conception (Waterbury, CT) in the Hartford Archdiocese and Saint John the Evangelist (Stamford, CT) in the Bridgeport Diocese.
Congrats to Archbishop Dolan and to Monsignor Donald Sakano, rector of the new basilica.
Here’s the NY Times’ article on the event.
CBS News did a spot

Live the Word of God in Challenging Time: a bible summit

NY biblical conference 2010.gifExploring the Word of God is an ongoing work for all Christians. Catholics have a good opportunity on June 26 to do some work on last Synod of Bishops on the Word of God. It is a good, necessary and beautiful thing to spend time with God as He’s revealed in sacred Scripture.

The Synod of Bishops on the Word of God (the Bible) was –and continues to be– a monumental point in our faith lives and in our life as a Church because we believe that God doesn’t abandon His vineyard. It is through prayerful reading and study of Scripture, lectio divina and intelligent conversation that we “become one with Christ and walk together behind him,” Pope Benedict said.

Many of the speakers are OK (some are eminently miss-able) but it would be worth the effort to attend Mass at the Church of St Paul the Apostle and to hear the homily to be given by the Honduran archbishop (who speaks perfect English), Oscar Cardinal Rodriquez Maradiaga. (The cardinal is a reasonable candidate for the papacy from Latin America!)  But THE speaker that you need to listen to is Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete.

More info and registration info found here.

Newly ordained for New York Archdiocese assigned

The archbishop met with the newly ordained today made gave them their new assignments as priests of the Archdiocese of New York:

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Fr. James Ferreira: St. Teresa, Staten Island

Fr. George LaGrutta: St. Mary, Port Jervis

Fr. Steven Markantonis: St. Philip Neri, Bronx

Fr. Fredy Patino: St. Peter, Haverstraw

Fr. Tom Roslak: St. Augustine, New City

Fr. Enrique Salvo: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Washington

                              Fr. Daniel Tuite: St. Patrick, Yorktown Heights

Christ’s new priests for NY and the CFRs

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Saint Patrick’s Cathedral was the setting of a beautiful Mass with the Rites of Ordination to the Priesthood for 10 men.
The cathedral was packed with people from the humble to the “great” to ask the Holy Spirit to come down upon the ordinandi making them priests.
New priests giving their blessings at Saint Joseph’s Seminary.
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The Reverend Father Thomas A. Roslak
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The Reverend Father James H. Ferreira
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The Reverend Father Fredy O. Patino Montoya
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Father Charles-Benoit Reche, CFR
Eugene with Frs Sweeney & LaGrutta.jpg
Eugene with Father Luke Sweeney and
the new ordained The Reverend Father George La Grutta

Chrism Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral

sanctuary, St Patrick's Cathedral.jpgThe Sacrifice of the Mass with the Rite of Blessing of Oils at St Patrick’s Cathedral was celebrated by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan and concelebrate by the four active NY auxiliary bishops. This year we were blessed to have with us Bishop-elect Jude Ayodeji Arogundade, 48, (of Ondo, Nigeria). Bishop-elect Jude  has been the parish administrator of an Elmsford, NY parish until his recent appointment to Nigeria, for which he leaves for in the middle of April; his ordination to the episcopacy is May 6. Cardinal Edward M. Egan presided in choir robes (his 78th birthday is April 2). About 400 secular and religious order priests concelebrated the Mass and renewed their commitment to priestly service.

Dolan squarely set the theology tonight’s sacred rites in the context of the loving obedience of Christ on the cross leading to the resurrection, reminding us that we are saved by the wounds of Christ.
In speaking of the holy oils and the priesthood, the Archbishop said the holy oils are the sacramental icons for the entire Church of the Sacraments and that the priesthood is about calling, consecration and consolation. It was significant that the sacred Chrism consecrated tonight will be used to consecrated the hands of the 10 deacons to be ordained priests on May 15.
Once again Archbishop Dolan focussed our attention on the trials of the Church today and called us to stand with the Church amidst her struggle. Likewise, the renewal of the request for a prayerful solidarity with the Pope was well received.

Eugene & Fr Holt Chrism Mass 2010.jpg

Seminary tradition has it that the third year theology class distributes the newly blessed oils.
Br Giuseppi distributing oil.jpg