Jesus says to his disciples, ask the Lord to send workers into his harvest (MT 9:38).
Tag: Archdiocese of Hartford
Supporting Catholic Schools
This morning the Archbishop of Hartford, Henry J. Mansell hosted what has become the annual Columbus Day Breakfast to provide scholarship grants to students attending Catholic elementary schools in greater New Haven. The Archbishop assisted by the Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools helped us to look with fresh eyes at the need for Catholic education in greater New Haven. I am very happy to have been invited to attend this morning’s breakfast.
Bishop Peter A. Rosazza celebrates his 75th birthday
Bishop Peter Anthony Rosazza, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford, celebrates his 75th birthday today.
Our prayers are with him as he makes this milestone.
Bishop Rosazza was ordained a bishop in 1978 (31 yrs a bishop) at the age of 43 by the great Archbishop John Francis Whealon.
Since I am from New Haven, Bishop Peter (as he’s known) is a legendary character. For one, he confirmed me in 1982 at Saint Stanislaus Church (New Haven, CT) and he’s been a tireless advocate for those living on the margins of society (the poor, the immigrant, the widow).
He’s been known as a good preacher of the Gospel and attentive teacher of the faith. Significantly, Bishop Peter is also been a friend to the Communion and Liberation group of New Haven for which are we deeply grateful.
Happy 75th birthday Bishop Peter!
McGivney’s cause for beatification takes another step
The cause for beatification and eventual sainthood of Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, took
another step on September 22, 2009, with the submission of a supplemental report on
a potential miracle attributed to the priest’s intercession.
The Knights of
Columbus announced today that officials from a supplemental tribunal of the
Archdiocese of Hartford -of which Fr. McGivney was a parish priest- formally
sent a new report to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints
through Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, the current postulator of McGivney’s cause. The
information gathered by the tribunal included testimonies from witnesses to the
supposed miracle as well as the statements of several medical doctors about the
circumstances surrounding the reported miracle. Dominican Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell,
the current vice-postulator and former postulator, has worked on the cause for a number
of years with the assistance of a variety people, not least was Millie Millea, the
former secretary at the McGivney Guild.
In the context praying Sext (midday
prayer), the brief ceremony in which the new report was signed and presented to
Archbishop Henry J. Mansell was attended by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, other
Supreme Officers and other Knights of Columbus officials, three relatives of
Father McGivney and a number of archdiocesan officials.
The submission of the
new report “marks an important step forward. The Vatican’s Congregation for the
Causes of Saints will now have valuable additional testimony that clarifies and
adds significantly to the original submission,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
“Father McGivney’s beatification would be an important event,” Anderson
added, “not only for Knights of Columbus, but for the many thousands of parish
priests who quietly do the Lord’s work in parishes each day and regard him as
an outstanding example for priests everywhere. In this ‘Year for Priests’
it is an especially appropriate step forward.” When beatified, McGivney will be
the first US diocesan priest beatified.
The cause for Father McGivney’s
sainthood was opened by Hartford Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin in December 1997. In 2000, the cause was presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Pope Benedict XVI declared
him “Venerable Servant of God” on March 15, 2008.
Father McGivney founded the
Knights of Columbus in 1882 and died on August 14, 1890 at the age of 38. At the time of
the founding of the Knights of Columbus he was a curate at Saint Mary’s Church
(New Haven, CT).
For pictures of the event see this link.
[this articled was first published at CNA and edited for
Visiting Bethlehem: the Abbey of Regina Laudis
One of the blessings in Connecticut is the presence of Abbey of Regina Laudis, a monastery of nearly 40 Benedictine nuns in the hills of Litchfield, County (in the Archdiocese of Hartford). Looking out in the choir there were 5 white veil novices and 1 postulant among the other professed nuns.

St Stanislaus Church (New Haven, CT) to host the St Gregory Society
Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford, in a letter to the Saint Gregory Society of New Haven, Connecticut, gave his permission for the Traditional Latin Mass community to relocate from Sacred Heart Church in New Haven to Saint Stanislaus Church at 9 Eld Street in New Haven.
“He wants to be certain the church is appropriate for your needs,” wrote the archbishop.
He gave permission for the first Traditional Latin Mass at Saint Stanislaus in New Haven to be on The Feast of the Holy Cross, September 13, 2009. The Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal will be celebrated at 2 pm at Saint Stanislaus just as it had been celebrated at 2 PM at Sacred Heart.
In his cordial letter of introduction, Archbishop Mansell encouraged cordial relations with the pastor, Father Roman Kmiec, C.M., pastor of Saint Stanislaus. Father Kmiec has indeed warmly welcomed the Saint Gregory Society.
Archbishop Mansell said he was “glad to help” the Saint Gregory Society in finding a new home for the Community.
Saint Stanislaus Church is staffed by the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentians) of the New England Province. The Vincentians, an congregation of priests and brothers founded by Saint Vincent de Paul in the 1600s, spread the gospel message of Jesus in championing the needs of the poor.
The De Paul Provincial House is located at 234 Keeney Street in Manchester, CT.
I am happy to receive this news. I spent nine years of my formative years at Saint Stan’s with the Vincentians and the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Saint Stan’s is New Haven’s best looking church maintaining the original artwork and liturgical furnishings.
The Saint Gregory Society of New Haven is a non-profit lay association founded in 1985 to promote the local celebration of the Traditional Latin Liturgy according to the Tridentine Missal in response to the Papal indult of October 3, 1984, Quattuor abhinc annos, which granted the use of the liturgical books in force in 1962.
Since January 1986, the Traditional Latin Mass regularly has been celebrated at the Sacred Heart Church in downtown New Haven. The Saint Gregory Society exists primarily to advocate the preservation of the immemorial rite of the Mass, to work for its celebration on a regular and unrestricted basis, and to disseminate information about and cultivate interest in the classical Roman liturgy and its central importance for Catholic faith and culture.
The Society supports a professional Schola Cantorum that provides the proper Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony for all sung liturgical functions.
For further information:
(this article is edited & adapted)
Connecticut congressmen propose bill to regulate Catholic parishes
Last Thursday, March 5th, two Connecticut state congressmen introduced a bill that proposes to restructure Catholic parish life taking authority away from pastors, the bishop and the pope.
The bill VIOLATES the FIRST AMENDMENT of the US Constitution!!! Read the Bill 1098/2009.
This is a direct attack on the part of these congressmen on the Roman Catholic Church for the Church’s teaching the Gospel, especially regarding homosexuality and birth control.
More information to be had on the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport here and a letter from the archbishop of Hartford.
From the Knights of Columbus
The story at