Saint John Neumann

O God, who called the Bishop Saint John Neumann, renowned for his charity and pastoral service, to shepherd your people in America, grant by his intercession that, as we foster the Christian education of youth and are strengthened by the witness of brotherly love, we may constantly increase the family of your Church.

Body of St John Neumann.jpg

Our challenge today is to imitate what is celebrated in the person of this saintly American bishop.

Saint John Neumann

St John Neumann of Phil.jpgThe famed American bishop, John Neumann (1811-60), is recalled by the Church today in her Liturgy. Known for his zeal and charity, John Neumann was an immigrant from Bohemia to North America and where he worked diligently to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Neumann was famous for his work with the poor, Catholic education and the Eucharistic adoration. The readings from Scripture and the Collects from the Mass all conspire to remind us of the urgent and real concern we ought to have for our brothers and sisters. The Collect even as a reference to the city where the saint was bishop, Philadelphia. 

The Church prays,
O God, who called the Bishop Saint John Neumann, renowned for his charity and pastoral service, to shepherd your people in America, grant by his intercession that, as we foster the Christian education of youth and are strengthened by the witness of brotherly love, we may constantly increase the family of your Church.
Watch two videos on the great Redemptorist Saint John Neumann’s life and here.

St John Neumann celebrated in native land

Justin Rigali in Czech Republic.jpgThe 200th anniversary of birth of Saint John Nepomucene Neumann is being celebrated in his homeland, today called the Czech Republic. Here’s the story in Czech. Cardinal Justin Francis Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, is the Pope’s special envoy. His special connection with the Saint is that John Neumann was the bishop of Philadelphia and is buried in Philadelphia.

Pope Benedict’s letter of credence for Cardinal Rigali’s mission as a papal representative may be read here.
Benedict notes Saint John’s work included spiritual and social progress of the faithful, assistance with counsel and charity and he provided for Christian education. He’s known as the first US bishop to organize Catholic education.
You should also know that Saint John Neumann is the first bishop of the United States to be canonized. He’s not the first American saint and nor was he native born, but he is one of us. As a grammar school student my dad and I visited the shrine of Saint John Neumann which sticks with all these years later.
Saint John Neumann, pray for us.
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Saint John Neumann: “he laid his life down”

St John N Neumann.jpg

His love for
people was authentic brotherly love. It was real charity: missionary and
pastoral charity. It meant that he gave himself to others. Like Jesus the Good
Shepherd, he lay down his life for the sheep, for Christ’s flock: to provide
for their needs, to lead them to salvation. And today, with the Evangelist, we
solemnly proclaim: “There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends” (John 15, 13).

Servant of God Pope Paul VI

excerpt, canonization homily

19 June 1977

Learn more about Saint John Neumann during this holy year, the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Following the Redeemer: Redemptorist Spirituality & St John Neumann

This year is an opportune time for the worldwide Redemptorist order, but especially the order in the USA, to get back to basics outlined by their sainted founder Saint Alphonsus Liguori and beautiful example of Saint John Neumann. Why this year? Because the Church in the USA is honoring the 200th anniversary of birth of Saint John Neumann. So, it is a Year of Saint John Neumann.

A recent essay on the Redemptorist spirituality by Michael Terheyden is a very fine primer on the subject.

We are all called to follow the in the way of the Redeemer.

Year of Saint John Neumann 2011-2012

John Neumann.jpeg2011 marks the 200th birthday of Saint John Neumann. And the US Redemptorists are making the coming year a notable one to recognize the anniversary. The saint lived March 28, 1811 to January 5, 1860. He was 49 years old at the time of his death and 8 years as the 4th bishop of Philadelphia.

There’s a webpage with lots of good resources on Saint John Neumann found here.

The Catholic Church in the USA observes the liturgical memorial of Saint John Neumann on January 5.

The packer of activities is posted here: Neumann Packet.pdf
The Shrine of Saint John Neumann is worth making a pilgrimage to….

Saint John Nepomunk Neumann

St John Nepomunk Neumann.jpg

Praise our loving, gracious God
Who has called us each by name
And has chosen shepherds true,
Unimpressed by gain or fame;

These have nurtured all God’s fold
And the gospel true have told.
Praise for John, God’s bishop sure,
Teaching, preaching in our land;

Founding churches, building schools,
Trusting in God’s gracious hand;
Learning tongues that all might hear
God’s redeeming love so dear.

Glory to the Father give,
And to Christ the Lord, God’s Son,
And to Spirit, Paraclete:
Ever blessèd Three-in-One!

With John Neumann, crowned with light,
Let our praise reach heaven’s height.

J. Michael Thompson
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