World Youth Alliance hosts Manhattan International Film Festival 2013

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The World Youth Alliance will be hosting the Manhattan International Film Festival on Friday, February 22 – Sunday, February 24, 2013.

The WYA’s Manhattan International Film Festival views short films by young directors from around the world, including Macedonia, Australia, Portugal, Italy, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the United States.

The festival will feature presentations and screenings by renowned award-winning independent filmmaker, Jamil Dehlavi, and Director of Film and Animation at School of Visual Arts, Salvatore Petrosino.

All festival events are free admission and open to the public.

A complete schedule is now available online and can be viewed here.

World Youth Alliance: video documentation on the work for human dignity


A global coalition of youth, the World Youth Alliance, founded in 1999, has more than a million followers, that is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) at the United Nations with special consultative status, this Salt and Light TV interview gives us insight into the great work begun by Anna Halpine just over 11 years ago. Doing something great for humanity beginning with real experience is God’s grace to us.
Building a culture of life: the World Youth Alliance is  a reasonable voice proposing a life-giving vision for humanity, by making the reality of human dignity a known fact.

Watch the documentary video on the World Youth Alliance which works to promote the fact that every person has human dignity, that it’s intrinsic and it lasts forever.

VIVIAMO! Summer Camp: “The Drama of Love”

World Youth Alliance (WYA) Europe invites young people from
all over Europe to a 4-day summer camp (June 26- 29, 2009), “The Drama of Love” in a beautiful
mansion in Orleans, France, to learn about and experience love, fulfilment and
the goal and meaning of life. Through different lectures, workshops and movies
we will learn about love and relationships, their potential for problems but
also for fulfilment and happiness, as well as one’s own personality. We will also
explore the wisdom of great literature such as Greek and Roman mythology,
Plato, etc. We will visit Paris and the castles and sights of the Loire valley,
the very place of Renaissance romanticism and acquire journalistic and writing
skills through the composition of a Viviamo magazine.

More information will be
online soon, until then please contact us at

Human dignity leads to a free society: get on board with the World Youth Alliance TODAY

Are you a member of the World Youth Alliance? Do you believe that young people can change our current culture to one that is based on the dignity of the human person and you want to help us share the experience of human dignity and solidarity with more young people?

Visit the WYA website today, and share it with your friends!

It’s about dignity!


WYA Charter


The World Youth Alliance is composed of young men and women from every part of the world. In cooperation with other organs of the international community, primarily the United Nations and the European Union, the World Youth Alliance is committed to building free and just societies through a culture of life. That culture affirms the inalienable dignity of the person, defends the intrinsic right to life, nurtures the family, and fosters a social climate favorable to integral development, solidarity, and mutual respect.


We recognize that the intrinsic dignity of the person is the foundation of every human right. We believe this dignity is independent of any individual condition and that no human community can grant or rescind that dignity.


We are convinced that the intrinsic dignity possessed by every human being from conception to natural death is the foundation of everyone’s right to life. We believe that this inalienable right to life is the basis of a free and just society and we believe that society through law and culture has an obligation to protect the dignity of the person and thus protect the right to life.


We affirm that the fundamental unit of human society is the family, where men and women learn to live in genuine freedom and solidarity, and where individuals are equipped to fulfill their social obligations. We believe that the political community at the local, national and international level is obliged to protect and nurture the family.


We believe that the authentic development of society can occur only in a culture that fosters integral human development – characterized by physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional growth, in a climate of respect for the human person and the family.


We invite all those who share these convictions to join us in affirming them and give them effect in public life at all levels.


Solidarity Generation –Youth in Action: Summer Camp 2009

WYA-horiz.jpgWorld Youth Alliance in North America
 announces the theme of the forthcoming summer camp for high school students: Solidarity Generation–Youth in Action.

The camp will be held at Portsmouth Abbey School in Rhode Island from June 21-27, 2009 and is open to youth ages 12-17.


Power Point Presentation

For more info contact Shannon Joseph at

Scholarships available.


What is the World Youth Alliance?

The World Youth Alliance is a global coalition of young people ages ten to thirty who are committed to promoting the dignity of the person and building solidarity among youth from developed and developing nations. We train young people to work at the regional and international levels to impact policy and culture and our members represent over one hundred different countries. Founded in 1999 at the United Nations Cairo +5 Conference on Population and Development, WYA has offices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America. WYA works with the United Nations, the European Union, and Organization of American States, holds conferences and training sessions world-wide, and creates opportunities for members to participate and cultural and international development projects that promote human dignity, solidarity, family and life.