Congregation of Holy Cross merge two US provinces

Spes Unica.jpgToday marks the beginning of new life within the Congregation of Holy Cross in the USA: the merging of the Eastern and Indiana Provinces. The coming together  on this date in 2011 is noteworthy because today is the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a feast near and dear to the Congregation. The merger follows upon the decision taken by the 2010 General Chapter. The new province now has more than 100 seminarians numbers more than 500 priests and brothers. Around the world there are about 1500 CSCs.

Founded in 1837 by Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau, the Congregation of Holy Cross filled the many gaps in ecclesial life following the French Revolution. The “auxiliary priests” were parish priests, educators, missionaries, scholars with no single work so as to be available like the apostles were in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the USA operates 4 colleges and universities, including my alma mater, UND. There is one CSC bishop in the USA: The Most Reverend Daniel Jenky, CSC of Peoria, IL.
Some of the activities of the CSC can be seen in an online photo album.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus richly bless the Congregation of Holy Cross!

New Fraternity of St Charles priests and deacons

ordination San Carlo.jpgTremendous joy exists when a man is ordained for the service of Christ and the Church.

Let’s live ”the glory and joy of the priesthood in the service of Christ and His Mystical Body’ in the communal life ‘experiencing the help of Christ in our existence, calling all the brothers to a continual configuration that is always more profound to you your person.”
Saturday, June 25, was a day of joy for 8 religious men of the Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo were ordained priests and deacons by His Excellency, Archbishop Rino Fiscihella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. Monsignor Massimo Camisasca, founder and Superior General of the Fraternity presented his spiritual sons and brothers for the Lord’s service. 

The Fraternity now has 2 new priests (Patricio Hacin and Christoph Matyssek) and 6 deacons (Emmanuele Angiola, Diego García Terán, Simone Gulmini, Tommaso Pedroli, Ruben Roncolato & Luca  Speziale).
Here’s the vocation narrative of the new priests, Don Patricio and Don Christoph.
Father Julián Carrón’s letter to the newly ordained: Fr Carron’s Letter to the newly ordained 2011.pdf

Religious Orders talk about their purpose at Notre Dame Univ

3 orders rep.jpgLast week at the University of Notre Dame (my alma mater) members of the various religious orders along with a secular priest, spoke about their place in the Church. In church lingo: they spoke about their charism (the diivne gift). As you know ND was founded and continues to be sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) but through the years members of religious orders like the Franciscans, Jesuits and Dominicans (among others) have worked and/or studied at ND. The richness ot the women religious ought to be explored at some point. 

Speaking to the university was an opportunity to attend to the distinctions among the orders in a healthy manner. The Observer carried the story.

Pope speaks to the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo

Fraternity of
St. Charles Borromeo is celebrating their 25
th anniversary as a
congregation of priests. The Fraternity is a new community of priests in the Church, founded by Monsignor Massimo Camisasca in 1985. It was signed into Church law in 1999 by Pope John Paul II as a Society of Apostolic Life. On Saturday, February 13, His Holiness Pope Benedict
XVI met with the Fraternity’s 
founder, leadership and seminarians. Here’s the text of the Pope’s address
to members of the Fraternity.


It is with real joy that I meet with you, priests
and seminarians of the Fraternity of St. Charles, who have gathered here on the
occasion of the 25th anniversary of its birth. I greet and thank the founder
and superior general, Monsignor Massimo Camisasca, his council and all of you,
relatives and friends who are part of the community’s circle. I greet in
particular the Archbishop of the Mother of God of Moscow, Monsignor Paolo
Pezzi, and Don Julián Carrón, president of the Fraternity of Communion and
, which symbolically expresses the fruits and the roots of the work
of the Fraternity of St. Charles. This moment brings back to my mind my long
friendship with Monsignor Luigi Giussani and bears witness to his charisma

Continue reading Pope speaks to the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo

Vocations: “…everyone will know that you are my disciples…”

Released earlier today, the Pope gave the Church his thinking and hopes for the living and the promotion of vocations. Very clear is the Pope’s insistence on one’s being familiar with the Scriptures, friendship with the Lord cultivated through personal and liturgical prayer. Also, one’s own self-awareness factors into the discernment of one’s vocation, whether to religious life, priesthood or to the lay state. May the Lord of the Harvest grant an increase.

The 48th World
Day of Prayer for Vocations, to be celebrated on 15 May 2011, the Fourth Sunday
of Easter, invites us to reflect on the theme: “Proposing Vocations in the
Local Church”. Seventy years ago, Venerable Pius XII established the Pontifical
Work of Priestly Vocations. Similar bodies, led by priests and members of the
lay faithful, were subsequently established by Bishops in many dioceses as a
response to the call of the Good Shepherd who, “when he saw the crowds,
had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd”,
and went on to say: “The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.
Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his
harvest!” (Mt 9:36-38).

Continue reading Vocations: “…everyone will know that you are my disciples…”

Consecrated Life is a living exegesis of the Word of God, Pope tells religious

Presentation - Candlemas.jpeg

In today’s feast we contemplate the Lord Jesus whom
Mary and Joseph take to the Temple “to present him to the Lord” (Luke
2:22). Revealed in this evangelical scene is the mystery of the Son of the
Virgin, the consecrated One of the Father, who came into the world to carry out
his will faithfully (cf. Hebrews 10:5-7).

Simeon points to him as “light
for revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32), and proclaims with prophetic
word his supreme offer to God and his final victory (cf. Luke 2:32-35). It is
the meeting of the two Testaments, the Old and the New. Jesus enters the
ancient Temple, He who is the new Temple of God: He comes to visit his people,
bringing to fulfillment obedience to the Law and inaugurating the end times of

Continue reading Consecrated Life is a living exegesis of the Word of God, Pope tells religious

Traditional consecrated life is the Church’s life-blood

Heilengkreutz monks2.jpgFebruary 2, Candlemas, is since 1997, World Day of Consecrated Life was instituted by Pope John Paul II. Candlemas is a feast of encounter. In years past the Pope celebrated the Mass but this year he’s celebrating Vespers. Four years ago I was there with some friends and it was a widely beautiful experience because we were united in prayer and in communion with Pope Benedict with all the various charisms –religious orders, congregations, religious and secular institutes– called by the Lord into existence for the entire Church, not just for a select few. While a man professes the vows of a Capuchin or Benedictine his vocation is for his own salvation and for the witness of the Resurrection. It is not a case of either-or. This is an important point: a day of prayer like the one for consecrated life is not exclusively for those in vows, but for all of the faithful who are called to live a life of holiness, a life of conversion rooted in Baptism. Pope Benedict notes three aspects of the day of prayer for consecrated life: to thank and praise God for the gift of the consecrated life, to promote and appreciation with all the faithful of this vocation and to invite all the vowed people to recognize what the Lord has done in them through the Gospel.

Continue reading Traditional consecrated life is the Church’s life-blood

David Toups, priest, focused on the real nature of priesthood

Toups.jpgThe Florida priest, Father David Toups, is doing what he’s been called to do: to be a faithful priest proclaiming the Presence of Christ through preaching the Gospel, praying the Mass, administering the sacraments and being an authentic father of souls. A recent article makes the case.

In his backyard one can’t avoid the scandalous behavior of the now former Catholic priest and media personality, Albert Cutié, when talking about the meaning and ministry of a Catholic priest.

Benedictine, Capuchin and Dominicans take Vows, ordained deacon

Br Sal's vows.jpgSeveral men have committed themselves more fully to the Lord and His Church today. A Benedictine monk, a Capuchin friar and Dominican deacons took vows or were ordained.

Dom John McCusker, Benedictine monk of The Abbey of Saint Mary and Saint Louis, St Louis, MO.
Brother Salvatore Cordaro, OFM Cap., professed Solemn vows in the Province of St Mary. The Mass and profession of vows took place at The Church of Saint John the Baptist, NYC.
5 Dominican brothers of the Province of St Joseph were ordained to the Order of Deacon. The ordination took place in Crypt Chapel of the Basilica National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception by the Most Reverend Martin D. Holley, auxiliary bishop of Washington, DC.
We are exceedingly joyful for the witness of these men for the Kingdom of God. Let’s pray for them!
Thanks to Andrew Skonieczny for the photo.

Legion of Christ ordains 61 priests

Legion of Christ ordination 2010.jpgOn Christmas eve morning, Cardinal Valasio De Paolis, CS, the pontifical delegate for the Legion of Christ, ordained 61 new priests on Christmas eve at Saint Paul outside the Walls. The Most Reverends Brian Farrell, LC and Paolo Schiavon, respectively from the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity and auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Rome, concelebrated. 

Among the 61 ordained 7 from the USA, 3 from Canada and 28 from Mexico.
Priestly ordinations in the Legion of Christ typically happen on Christmas eve so that on Christmas day the newly ordained priest celebrates his first Mass of Thanksgiving on the great feast of the Incarnation.

The Legion of Christ’s news on the ordinations is here.
Here’s the story on Rome Reports