CT Pro-Life Conference 2019

CT Pro-Life Conference, November 2nd, 9am-3pm at St. Paul High School, 1001 Stafford Avenue, Bristol, CT. Workshops/Speakers/Advocacy 101. To register: $15 lunch included; $5 students with ID —visit www.ctfamily.org

Support Life in Connecticut on May 21, 2019

Urgent! Please come to Hartford Tuesday at Noon!

Your action is needed to help protect life in Connecticut!

TOMORRROW, Tuesday, May 21, there will be a rally at the State Capitol in Hartford supporting life and opposing legislation that will harm pro-life pregnancy care centers.

As you may know, this past week the Connecticut House of Representatives voted to pass H.B. 7070 which subjects the advertising of pro-life pregnancy care centers to the oversight and authority of the Attorney General of Connecticut. The Attorney General would  have sole discretion in determining whether the advertising is deceptive or not.

The 24 pregnancy care centers across Connecticut are serving women with life-affirming, pro-woman counseling and health care services. The Knights of Columbus, for example, have supported these centers for many years and they are in great need of our help once again.

Please make every effort to participate in this important rally on May 21 at noon at the State Capitol, and be sure to invite your family, friends, parishioners, and Brother Knights to join you.

Thank you for all of your work to support life in Connecticut!

Recalling St Gianna’s canonization

Today in 2004, Pope Saint John Paul II canonized Gianna Beretta Molla. Our patron saint is an incredible witness and builder of peace. Saint Gianna’s feast day is April 28.

Saint Gianna is not only a holy person in love with her Savior, but a wife, mother, and physician who continues to show us that it possible to follow the Gospel closely and faithfully. She is known as a patron for ProLife work and marriage. In fact, our pregnancy resource center in New Haven (CT) is named for this great woman and disciple of Jesus, Saint Gianna.

The sainted pope said in his homily:

… simple, but more than ever, significant messenger of divine love. In a letter to her future husband a few days before their marriage, she wrote: “Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women”.

Following the example of Christ, who “having loved his own… loved them to the end” (Jn 13: 1), this holy mother of a family remained heroically faithful to the commitment she made on the day of her marriage. The extreme sacrifice she sealed with her life testifies that only those who have the courage to give of themselves totally to God and to others are able to fulfil themselves.

Through the example of Gianna Beretta Molla, may our age rediscover the pure, chaste and fruitful beauty of conjugal love, lived as a response to the divine call!

Holy Innocents

Today is the feast of Innocent Martyrs, the children who in Bethlehem of Judas were killed by the unholy King Herod. Their shed blood was for the Son of God and Savior, and for us.

The Holy Innocents have been honored by the Church as martyrs since the first centuries. Today, their import keeps us vigilant on threats to human life, from conception to natural death. The Innocents are the witnesses to the Pro-Life work we are engaged in. They bring us into relationship with Christ and humanity at a deeper level.

Let the final word be just as Saint Thérèse would have it: Nisi efficiamini sicut parvuli  (Unless you become like unto little children. Mt 18:3)

NB: The Byzantine Church (UGCC) this feast on December 29.

St Gianna Benefit Dinner in New Haven 2018

Join us for the St Gianna Benefit Dinner
St. Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center will host its third annual benefit dinner on Sunday, April 29 from 1-5 p.m. at Amarante’s Sea Cliff (62 Cove Street) in New Haven. Tickets are $45 and include appetizers, a buffet dinner, dessert and soft drinks.
Our speaker and honoree, Christian Slattery, is the organizer of the first pregnancy crisis center in NYC. This is the busiest center in NY at this time. Also being honored, is the pro-life Choose Life at Yale (CLAY) organization that founded the Vita et Veritas Conference to bring a bigger message of pro-life to Yale.
For more information, TO ORDER tickets, or to make a donation (no donation is too small) please visit  www.giannacenter.org.
Please make reservations by April 15.

St Gianna Benefit Dinner

Join us for the St Gianna Benefit Dinner
St. Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center will host its third annual benefit dinner on Sunday, April 29 from 1-5 p.m. at Amarante’s Sea Cliff (62 Cove Street) in New Haven. Tickets are $45 and include appetizers, a buffet dinner, dessert and soft drinks.
Our speaker and honoree, Christian Slattery, is the organizer of the first pregnancy crisis center in NYC. This is the busiest center in NY at this time. Also being honored, is the pro-life Choose Life at Yale (CLAY) organization that founded the Vita et Veritas Conference to bring a bigger message of pro-life to Yale.
For more information, TO ORDER tickets, or to make a donation (no donation is too small) please visit  www.giannacenter.org.
Please make reservations by April 15.

Jerome Lejeune

JPII and LejeunePope John Paul wrote on hearing of the death of Jerome Lejeune on April 3, 1994 in a Rome hospital:

We are faced today with the death of a great Christian of the twentieth century, of a man for whom the defense of life became an apostolate. It is clear that, in this present world situation, this form of lay apostolate is particularly necessary… [He] has left the truly brilliant witness of his life as a man and as a Christian.

May Jerome Lejeune intercede for the work of the Culture of Life.

Komen pushes fiction over evidence

Judy Roberts has an interesting article “Susan G. Komen’s Moral Dilemma” outlining the difficulties in those organizations that attempt to do good but in fact are conflicted by their support of abortion research with money and certain medical procedures. Ms Roberts’ article doesn’t reveal new knowledge but it continues to shine light on the problem of the research’s evidence and logic of sin. We have a similar moral problem with ALS research (but that’s another story). The distressing thing for many is the rejection of the research that links abortion and cancers in women like breast cancer. This is a serious lack of concern for the health of women. From the moral perspective, Catholics can’t give money to the Komen foundation for the lack of honesty in organizations like the Komen foundation is misleading to  say the least.