The Christian community of faith in New Haven, Connecticut mourns the loss of Clementina Valentina, 85, Third Order Laity of the Order of Preachers. Our friend and fellow companion has been called home by the Lord.
Category: PAZ & Friends
Fr Allen P. Novotny, SJ RIP
At this moment, family, friends, and Jesuits are gathering for the Mass of Christian Burial for the Reverend Father Allen P. Novotny, SJ, 58, President of Gonzaga College High School, Washington, DC. I mention this because I had the privilege of living with Allen for a year and liked him very much. I’ve been saddened since hearing the news on October 27th that Allen died earlier that day from a mutual friend. I was unable to make the funeral Mass but have not ceased praying for Allen’s peace and God’s mercy upon Allen and the rest of us. Eternal rest, dear friend.
Prayer for a friend, Pauline Fahey
Today, we are praying the Mass of Christian Burial for a friend, Pauline Marie Fahey, who died last Thursday after living with cancer. Join me in praying for her peaceful repose thanking God for this blessing.
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Dad’s 70th birthday!
Dad celebrates his 70th birthday today!
Friends are a path to God
Father Lawrence Boadt, CSP, RIP
Paulist Father Larry Boadt, 67, died Saturday after a long illness.
Father Brian W. Monnerat, RIP
Please keep in your prayers the repose of the soul of the Reverend Father Brian W. Monnerat, 60, priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford, who died, July 14, 2010, while on vacation with his family. He was ordained a priest in 1988, when I first met him. This is a sad time for the archdiocese.
Visiting St Louis Abbey: seeing old friends
These last 9 days I’ve been in St Louis, MO visiting friends, lay and monastic (including Mrs. Casey!). I periodically return to St Louis the scene of some studies I did at St Louis University between 1994 and 1997. I stayed with the Benedictine monks of Saint Louis Abbey; there I have many old friends.
remains in the Gateway City, David Miros, invitations to getting ice cream at Ted Drews (3x), a “drive-by” meeting with Tim Hercules, making an attempt with Fr Ambrose at having a Lebanese lunch at St Raymond’s Maronite Cathedral (instead we went for something equally as exoctic, Indian, as the Lebanese lunch was closed for a month), and the meandering around St Louis University and seeing an old friend who was recently ordained a Jesuit priest, Kevin Dyer, etc. While visiting St Raymond’s I ran into an old friend who told us of the tragic killing of her grandaughter, Gina, a few months ago by teenage muggers. Roxy’s recounting the crime moved me to tears. Pray for Roxy and her family as they deal with the aftermath. Gina, a single mother leaves two sons, one of whom witnesses the brutality of his mother’s murder.
Monk Michael visits New Haven
On his way to Boston from his monastery in Gallion, Ohio, my friend Father Michael, an Orthodox monk, stopped by to see me and my parents. He also joined me at New Haven’s School of Community on Friday eve (I dragged him to our CL meeting after a 14 hour drive).