Remembering John Patrick Cardinal Foley

On this date in 2011, the former Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem made his transitus to the Lord of Life.

In charity, let us pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Cardinal Foley.

May the memory of Cardinal Foley be eternal.

Our Lady of Palestine, pray for him.
Blessed Bartolo Longo, pray for him.

What is the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem?

We are “…missionaries of the Gospel of Christ in today’s society…”.

Periodically I ask myself what is this order to whom I belong? What’s the point? Why is it important to the Church, too society, to me? Having to ask the question is not entertaining frivolous doubt or wasting time and words. Knowing one’s mission, living one’s vocation and working one’s conversion –all graces that are God-given– is a daily personal work and a daily prayer generated by the Holy Spirit. After all, we do pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with His seven gifts, do we not?

This last point was reinforced with me by attending the Mass with the Rite of Confirmation for the Latin Arab community at the Good Shepherd Community in Yonkers, NY. Hearing the questions and the prelate’s prayer invoking the Holy Spirit. Hence the image of the EOHSJ-NY gathering with His Beatitude Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM (20 Nov 2022).

The question this post resources is an essential a question for those discerning membership but also for those who have been in the Order for any length of time. It is a question posed by a member of the Mexican Lieutenancy to the Cardinal Filoni who serves as the Grand Master. The answer Cardinal Filoni gives is brief and worthy of serious reflection.

I would hope that all of us who claim membership a noble ideal in the EOHSJ would not only ask for understanding (i.e., what is the meaning of this question of what type of group to which we belong) but also ask the question of our particular Lieutenancies. Are we missionaries of the Gospel? Are we bearing witness to the Word of God and sacramentality of God’s presence in the world? Are we faithful members of the Mystical Body of Christ in concrete ways (cf. Matthew 25)?

Blessed Bartolo Longo, pray for us.

At the Arabic Catholic Community, Yonkers

Knights and Ladies with His Beatitude, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM, following Holy Mass at the Good Shepherd Community, Yonkers, 20 November 2022.

Earlier today I was with members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre (Eohsj Eastern Lieutenancy) as we joined with Good Shepherd Parish (Yonkers, NY) and His Beatitude, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM. It the occasion for a pastoral visit to the Arab Latin Catholic Community at which time a group of the children of the parish received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion.

It was an exceptional afternoon to be with our Lieutenant, Her Excellency Vicki Downey. Our work as members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is to support the work of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem البطريركية اللاتينية في القدس , and by extension the communities here.
EOHSJ with some members of the Good Shepherd Community following Mass on 20 November 2022.

Nice to have met Father Davide Meli and Abouna Fares Hattar.

The Good Shepherd Community is one of two communities of Arab Catholics in Yonkers, NY. The other being the Christ The Savior Melkite Church (FrMusil Shihadeh). Too many think of the Arab community being Muslim but in reality there are Christian faith communities dating back to the time of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Lady of Palestine

Today, as Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, we honor Mary, the Mother of God under the title of Our Lady of Palestine. It’s a daily prayer Our Lady for the people of the Holy Land and for members of the Order.

With Church we pray:

Heavenly Father, we humbly ask you, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine, to help us overcome all the difficulties which face us in this Holy Land, the land which your Son has made Holy for it is in this land where our Savior took flesh and brought the entire world to Redemption. We beseech you Father, strengthen us in faith, service, and perseverance so that we may be witnesses to that unending act of love, you who live and reign forever and ever.

Read about the importance of the Shrine of Our Lady as a spiritual home for the Patriarchate.

Saint Helen, Empress, Mother, Pilgrim

In Rome and Jerusalem especially, and especially for me in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, we celebrate today Saint Helen (d. 327 A.D.), empress, mother, pilgrim of the Holy Land, who made worship places and relics of the history, the mystery of salvation.

Several years ago I was privileged to live at the Basilica of Santa Croce in Rome where the relics of the Lord’s passion reside. It was a beautiful thing to have some daily prayer in this holy place.

Let us pray for the Church and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

Image of St Helena at the Basilica of Santa Croce in Rome.

What the emblem of Order stands for?

The badge of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, formed by a large Greek cross surrounded by four small crosses, symbolically represents the five wounds of Christ which are like the “Gates of Heaven”. This emblem is not a decoration but a mission whose spiritual meaning is illuminated in the light of the teaching of Pope Francis.

Indeed, since his election, the Holy Father urges us to touch the wounds of Christ, like the Apostle Thomas did after the resurrection, to welcome the mercy that radiates from Him as a source of peace. “If we put our hands together into these wounds and confess that Jesus has risen, and if we proclaim Him as our Lord and our God, if recognizing our shortcomings, we dive into His wounds of love, we can find the truth.” Joy of forgiveness and getting a foretaste of the day when, with God’s help, we will be able to celebrate on the same altar the Passover mystery,” he emphasized, especially from an ecumenical perspective, during a pontifical trip.

“A saint was saying that the body of Jesus crucified is like a bag of mercy, reaching us all through his wounds,” he also explained on the occasion of Mercy Sunday.”

“We all need mercy, we know it.” Let us draw closer to Jesus and touch his wounds in our suffering brothers. Jesus’ wounds are a treasure: that’s where mercy flows. Let us be brave and touch the wounds of Jesus. With these wounds, he stands before the Father, he shows them to the Father, as if he were saying, “Father, this is the price, these wounds are what I paid for my brothers.” Through his wounds, Jesus intercedes before the Father. He gives us mercy if we draw near, and intercede for us. Do not forget the wounds of Jesus” (Regina Cæli, April 28, 2019).

Each member of the Order is therefore called to first carry in his heart the symbols of the badge sewn on his mantle and to spread the veneration of the Holy Wounds of Christ, sources of forgiveness and mercy. They cleanse and heal. If we embrace them, they can truly change our lives. (EOHSJ)

Fortunato Frezza becomes cardinal

On Sunday, May 29, Pope Francis announced his intention to create 21 new Cardinals at a Consistory on Saturday, 27 August. One of the 21 is Reverend Monsignor Fortunato Frezza, canon of Saint Peter’s Basilica and Master of Ceremonies and Spiritual Assistant of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, will be created Cardinal by the Pope. Frezza work for several years at the Secretariat General for the Synod of the Bishops.

The Order of the Holy Sepulchre has provided us with a brief tribute to the Cardinal-designate here by Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, Governor General of the Order.

Photo of cardinals with Pope on May 3, 2021. (Credit: CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Lift high the Cross

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, formerly celebrated on May 3, for the finding of the True Cross of Christ by Emperor Constantine and his mother Saint Helen. The Cross is exalted and honored as a trophy for its Easter victory and a sign that will appear in heaven announcing to everyone the second coming of the Lord.

Prayers for the good work of the Knights and Dames of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Here is a miniature taken from the magnificent Breviary of Jerusalem (XIV sec.), from the “Ludovic II De Torres” located at the Library of the Archbishop’s Seminary of Montreal.

Blessed Aloysius Viktor Stepinac generates spiritual fruitfulness

This post on the Blessed Aloysius Viktor Stepinac, a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, was written for another social media outlet for other members of the EOHSJ.

Blessed Aloysius Viktor Stepinac, am oil painting used at the Mass for the 57 anniversary of his death.
(public domain image)

Today is the liturgical memorial of Blessed Aloysius Viktor Stepinac (8 May 1898 – 10 February 1960), served as the Cardinal-Archbishop of Zagreb from 1937 until his death. Among the many things he did was to join the Third Order Franciscans which gave him a framework to be an effective minister of the Gospel. Though he was sentenced to 16 years in prison, Stepinac only served five at Lepoglava Prison before being transferred to house arrest with his movements confined to his home parish of Krašić. He died as the result of poisoning by his Communist captors. Pope John Paul II beatified Stepinac and named him a martyr.

When Pope John Paul beatified our brother Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, Aloysius Viktor Stepinac, he quoted a well known Scripture line saying that it’s the heart of the Mystery of the life, ministry and death of Croatia’s famous bishop:

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). 

Our Catholic faith reveals to us that the “mystery of death and life also comes about in the earthly existence of Christ’s followers: for them too, being cast into the earth to die remains the condition for all authentic spiritual fruitfulness.”

While Stepinac did not shed his blood as martyrs typically do, his martyrdom was one of bearing witness to the Good News and the virtue of the Church under considerable personal suffering. We are told to seek the saints; we are to follow the saints; our faithfulness to the Church means abiding in the mystery of Communion of Saints. Concretely, what does that mean to us in light of Blessed Aloysius Stepinac? What does he give us Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre to follow?

Just as this brother Knight of the Holy Sepulchre Blessed Aloysius was a compass pointing to the realities of faith, charity and virtue, we current Knights and Dames are to be a compass for the same. 

Knight and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre are to have “…faith in God, respect for man, love towards all even to the offer of forgiveness, and unity with the Church guided by the Successor of Peter.” The objectivity of truth was a non-negotiable for Blessed Aloysius: his personal suffering generated a life of virtue that refused to betray his conscience and love for Jesus.

Blessed Aloysius Viktor Stepinac, pray for us.

Blessed Pius IX

Published in another place, this brief reflection on Pius IX is meant to bring to light the importance of Pius’ papacy and his role in re-founding the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Today, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem together with the Church liturgically recall the memory of Blessed Pius IX, the Roman Pontiff who re-founded and showed great concern for our Order.

John Maria Mastai Ferretti was born at Senigallia (Italy) on 13 May 1792. After he was ordained priest in 1819, he spent two years as a missionary in Chile. By 35 years of age he was appointed Archbishop of Spoleto, and then moved in 1832 to Imola. In 1840 he was created Cardinal (but was really created cardinal In Pectore in 1839) and on 16 June 1846 was elected Supreme Pontiff at only 54 years of age! He took the name Pius to honor a previous pope who inspired his vocation.

Pius served the Church as Pope for 32 years.The papacy of Pius IX was decisively marked by a history that gave us very notable events which continue to impact us today:

On 8 December 1854, he defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception;

In 1847, re-established the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and re-founded and modernized the EOHSJ;

In 1864, published the Syllabus of Errors which condemn liberalism, modernism, moral relativism, secularization, separation of church and state, and other Enlightenment ideas.

In 1869, he called the First Vatican Council, which precisely defined the Infallibility;

On 8 December 1870, he declared Saint Joseph Patron of the Universal Church;

On 16 June 1875, he consecrated the Church to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In more subtle ways, Pope Pius’ friendship with St John Bosco helped to develop the Salesian Society. He’s recalled for giving the Marian title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to the Redemptorist Congregation, and showed concern for the souls purgatory by giving us a prayer to pray for them on Good Friday, and was the last sovereign of the Papal States when the territory was incorporated differently as the Italian Republic.

Of all the things Blessed Pius IX did for the Church, and the one that stands out for us as members of the EOHSJ, is the 1847 restoration of the Latin Patriarchate and his re-founding and modernizing of the Order. Pius was instrumental in issuing a new Constitution and placing the Order under the direct protection of the Holy See and assigning its government to the Latin Patriarch. Pius, moreover, added to the Order’s fundamental role: to uphold the works of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, while preserving the spiritual duty of defending and propagating Catholic Faith.

After 32 years of an intense period of leadership he made his transitus to the Lord of Life on 7 February 1878. John Paul II proclaimed him Blessed on 3 September 2000.

With the Church we pray:

O God, who gave your servant, Blessed Pius IX, Pope, the spirit of fortitude in adversity, and enabled him to enter more deeply into the pure faith of the Church, grant through his intercession, that we may be filled with the same spirit and live with the same devotion.

Blessed Pius IX, pray for us.