Saint Philip Neri

Paolo Domenico Finoglio, Abbazia di Montserrat, Spain.jpg


Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let
all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand.

Father, You continually raise up Your faithful to the glory
of holiness. In Your love kindle in us the fire of the Holy Spirit who so
filled the heart of Philip Neri.

More information about the charism of Saint Philip Neri and the
Oratorians may be found here and here.

Cardinal Newman is set for beatification

newma detail.jpgThe London Telegraph ran a story about the theologians’ acceptance/approval of the miracle put forward by Cardina John Henry Newman’s postulator. It’s an American helping a Brit. Now the information is on the Pope’s desk. “People” are hoping for a beatification ceremony in the autumn. Deo volente. Read the story here.