Blessed Florida Cevoli and Blessed Jolenta of Poland

Lord, my allotted portion and my cup, it is You who hold fast my lot. For me the measuring lines have fallen on pleasant sites; fair indeed is my inheritance.

God our Father, through contemplative prayer You ignited the flame of love deep in the heart and soul of blessed Florida; and taught blessed Jolenta to choose the lowly cross of Your Son in place of worldly honors and riches. Through their merits and prayers enable us to look rightly on perishable things and with sincere hearts to seek the things of heaven.

Saint Camilla Baptista Varani

St Camilla Baptista Varani.jpg

May I never boast of anything but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through it the world has been crucified to me and I to the world, alleluia.
Almighty God, You made the virgin Saint Camilla Baptista excel in meditating on the passion of Your Son Jesus Christ. Grant us through her intercession to bear in our hearts the mortification of the cross and thus merit to obtain eternal life.

Saint Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes

St Mary Ann of  Jesus of Paredes.jpg

Come, bride of Christ, and receive the crown, which the Lord has prepared for you for ever, alleluia.
Heavenly Father, through virginal chastity and penance You were pleased to have Saint Mary Ann grow like a lily amid the thorns of the world’s allurements. Through her intercession may we be kept from vice and strive after perfection.

Read something on Saint Mary Ann, the 17th century saint of Quito, Ecuador here.

Saint Bernardine of Siena

St Bernardine of Siena.jpgMay my mouth speak the praise of the Lord, and may all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever, alleluia.

Heavenly Father, You gave Saint Bernardine the priest an extraordinary love for the holy name of Jesus. By his merits and prayers grant that the spirit of love for You may ever inflame us.
Read a bit on Bernardine here.

Saint Margaret of Cortona

St Margaret of Cortona.jpgHas God forgotten pity? Does he in his anger withold his compassion? This is my sorrow that the right hand of the Most High is changed, alleluia.


Heavenly Father, You take no pleasure in the death of the sinner but rather in the sinner’s conversion that he may live. As You mercifully drew Your servant Margaret from the path of damnation to the path of salvation, grant that we may serve You with pure hearts.


Read the story of this 13th century Third Order Franciscan penitent, Saint Margaret of Cortona, who sought to live in communion with Jesus, her Lord.

Saint Leopold Mandic of Herceg Novi

St Leopold Mandic.jpgThe Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to free the downtrodden, and to proclaim the Lord’s year of favor.


O God, perfect unity and highest good, You filled Saint Leopold, Your priest, with kindness and mercy for sinners, and an ardent desire for unity among all Christians; through his intercession, may we be renewed in spirit and heart and confidently work for the unity of all Christians in the bond of peace.


Read a brief biography of Saint Leopold Mandic

Saint Ignatius of Laconi

St Ignatius of Laconi.jpgI will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you. And in you men shall find a blessing, Alleluia.


Lord God, You led Saint Ignatius along the way of humility, innocence, and fraternal charity to the heights of sanctity. Help us to imitate his virtues and to practice charity on earth in word and deed.


Read a brief biography on Saint Ignatius of Laconi