Eternal Shepherd, you made Blessed Benedict known for his great love of the brethren and his service to Your flock. By the help of his prayers may we ever be ardent in our fellowship and with one heart be steadfast in the household of the Church.
Category: Dominican saints & blesseds
Pope Blessed Innocent V
God of truth, You bestowed on Blessed Innocent the gifts of knowledge and prudence and made him a promoter of peace and unity. By the help of his prayers may we cherish what is of heaven and in perfect unity follow what is right.
Blessed John Dominic
God, source of wisdom and love, you made our brother
John Dominic strong in goodness to sustain the unity of the Church and to renew
the regular life. Lead us always to seek unity and peace.
Blessed Diana and Blessed Cecilia
Merciful Lord, we welcome in joy the feast of Blessed
Diana and Blessed Cecilia. With the help of their prayers may devotion to truth
and love for our brothers and sisters fill our hearts and our lives.
Saint Peter of Verona, martyr
Let us rejoice in celebrating the victory of Saint
Peter Martyr. On earth he proclaimed Christ’s love for us. Now Christ leads him
to a place of honor before his Father in heaven.
brother Peter with martyrdom for confessing the true faith with perseverance.
Give to us, your people, that same faith that we too may receive the gift of
by great perfection as a Friar: so watchful was he over the purity of his body
and soul that he never felt himself defiled by a mortal sin. He chastened his
body by fasting and watching, and ennobled his soul by the contemplation of the
things of God. He was constantly busied in works for furthering the salvation
of souls; and had a peculiar gift of grace for clearly convincing heretics.
Such was his power as a preacher, that countless crowds were drawn together to
hear him, and many were moved to repentance.”
Blessed James Salomone, patron of cancer patients
God of endless ages, in your providence you gave your
people Blessed James to attain the mystery of salvation. By his
life and prayers may we come to know your Son and so
experience his presence more fully in our lives.
Blessed Mary Bartholomew Bagnesi
With the Church, we pray:
O God, in Blessed Mary Bartholomew you brought together steadfastness in suffering and innocence of life as we endure many trials may we be helped by your grace.
Blessed Mary Bartholomew Bagnesi (1514- 1577), a Florentine, received the habit of a Sister of Penance, that is, a lay Dominican sister, in 1547. She suffered many physical illnesses for forty-five years which confined to her bed. Despite the consultation with doctors of all stripes, she bore her sickly life filled the pains with courage. She died on this date but for some reason, was buried at the Carmelite monastery in Florence.
Translation of Saint Dominic
Rejoice to the full in the glory that is yours,
alleluia, and give thanks to God, alleluia, who called you to his kingdom,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Church by the merits and teaching of Saint Dominic, your confessor and our
father. By his prayers grant that the Church may never lack for temporal help,
and may grow ever richer in spiritual blessings.
Mass it is prayed:
Dominic to enrich the church by renewing the apostolic way of life. Disciple of
Christ, the very Christ who became poor for our sake, Dominic called the lost
and the wandering home by preaching the Good News. He gathered a band of
preachers together. Nourished by the light of sacred study they gave themselves
without reservation to the proclamation that Jesus Christ is Lord.
memorial for the Order of Preachers is not often celebrated anymore because it
conflicts with the larger and more significant observance of Our Lady Help of
Christians. But originally this liturgical observance marked the first time the
mortal remains of Saint Dominic were moved having been first buried in the
Church of Saint Nicholas of the Vineyards, Bologna, Italy. Because of the healings at Dominic’s
intercession made his sons apprehensive to accept the miracles, Pope Gregory IX
order that Dominic’s body be moved to a marble sepulchre. The translation took place on
Pentecost, May 24, 1233, which marked the beginning of the canonization
process. At the conclusion of the process Pope Gregory IX canonized Dominic a
saint on July 3, 1234. In 1267,
Dominic’s body was moved a second time, to his present tomb.
Blessed Columba of Rieti
God of all mercy, you made Blessed Columba shine forth
by the innocence of her life and by her zeal for peace. By the
help of her teaching may we live together in unity and
serve you with pure minds.
her formal religious life began she made private vows to the Lord, had mystical
visions, bi-located and was known to be a model of holiness. She, at the
request of a bishop, began a third order convent of sisters. Accused of
terrible things by one Borgia pope became a counselor to another, whom she
called to repentance. She was much beloved by the people.
Blessed Imelda Lambertini
Lord Jesus Christ, you received into heaven Blessed Imelda who loved you in the eucharistic banquet. By her prayers may we learn to approach your holy table with that same fervent love and so fulfill our longing to be with you, who live and reign with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.