Fulton J. Sheen’s cause for canonization halted

A distressing development has occurred with the canonization process for the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen has been suspended by the Bishop of Peoria, Daniel Jenky, CSC. The issue seems to be the refusal of the Archdiocese of New York to return the mortal remains of Sheen to his home diocese of Peoria; the archbishop died in 1979 at the age of 84, and was entombed in the crypt of the famed Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Earlier that year he met Pope John Paul II in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in a terrific embrace of brothers. The life and work of Archbishop Sheen might be likened to being a 20th century Saint Dominic of Guzman. After serving for three years (1966-69) as the Bishop of Rochester (NY), Fulton returned to New York City. The diocesan phase of the process was concluded in 2008.

Bishop Jenky’s statement follows:

FJ Sheen with girl.jpgIt is with great sadness and disappointment, Bishop Jenky announces that after nine years of effort and sacrifice, the Diocese of Peoria is suspending its efforts on behalf of the Beatification of Fulton J. Sheen.  The Archdiocese of New York has made it clear that it is not likely that they will ever transfer the remains of Fulton J. Sheen to his home diocese of Peoria.  The Bishop hopes that the Archdiocese of New York, in whose Cathedral crypt the earthly remains of the Servant of God are still entombed, might now assume this responsibility.  In this endeavor he would pledge the cooperation of his diocese.  The bishop urges the clergy, faithful and religious of Peoria to continue to pray for the Cause of Archbishop Sheen whose heroic virtues in announcing the Gospel and serving the poor were an extraordinary blessing in the life of the Catholic Church.  The bishop would also like to remind all in his diocese and all those throughout the world who have so enthusiastically supported the Sheen Cause that finally it is only God who makes saints, not men.

The Diocese of Peoria remains committed to promote the message of the great priest, Fulton J. Sheen within our Diocese and to continue to develop our museum and research center devoted to his life.

Don Bosco’s relic comes to New York City

A relic of Saint John Bosco, patron of youth, is visiting New York City on Friday, October 1. The relic’s pilgrimage is in preparation for the saint’s 200th anniversary of birth. Being in the USA is only one of 130 nations that the relic is visiting.

Don Bosco’s relic will be at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC. Veneration of the relic will be 10 am until 11 pm. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Dolan at 7 pm.

More info can be found here (this is an excellent website!)

Saint John Bosco
born 1815
died 1888
canonized a saint 1934
the Salesians of Don Bosco, the religious order founded by the saint can be seen here.

Live the Word of God in Challenging Time: a bible summit

NY biblical conference 2010.gifExploring the Word of God is an ongoing work for all Christians. Catholics have a good opportunity on June 26 to do some work on last Synod of Bishops on the Word of God. It is a good, necessary and beautiful thing to spend time with God as He’s revealed in sacred Scripture.

The Synod of Bishops on the Word of God (the Bible) was –and continues to be– a monumental point in our faith lives and in our life as a Church because we believe that God doesn’t abandon His vineyard. It is through prayerful reading and study of Scripture, lectio divina and intelligent conversation that we “become one with Christ and walk together behind him,” Pope Benedict said.

Many of the speakers are OK (some are eminently miss-able) but it would be worth the effort to attend Mass at the Church of St Paul the Apostle and to hear the homily to be given by the Honduran archbishop (who speaks perfect English), Oscar Cardinal Rodriquez Maradiaga. (The cardinal is a reasonable candidate for the papacy from Latin America!)  But THE speaker that you need to listen to is Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete.

More info and registration info found here.

Newly ordained for New York Archdiocese assigned

The archbishop met with the newly ordained today made gave them their new assignments as priests of the Archdiocese of New York:

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Fr. James Ferreira: St. Teresa, Staten Island

Fr. George LaGrutta: St. Mary, Port Jervis

Fr. Steven Markantonis: St. Philip Neri, Bronx

Fr. Fredy Patino: St. Peter, Haverstraw

Fr. Tom Roslak: St. Augustine, New City

Fr. Enrique Salvo: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Washington

                              Fr. Daniel Tuite: St. Patrick, Yorktown Heights

All in a day…with a new priest –Father Thomas A. Roslak

Tom Roslak with his Mom May 16 2010.jpgToday was a glorious day! Besides the picture perfect day it was a perfect day to celebrate Mass for the first time by the recently ordained.  A few seminarians and I had the privilege to be a part of the “First Mass festivities” of Father Thomas A. Roslak at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Staten Island, NY.

The new priest did a very good job celebrating the Mass, leading others in prayer: he’ll be a great priest.

Father Thomas’ family and friends came to pray and to spend time with each other on this special day. Twelve priests from the archdiocese assisted 

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at Mass. The host pastor, Father Robert Aufieri was a most gracious and delightful host to all of us.
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Fathers Aufieri & Roslak PAZ, Kareem Smith Robert Rodriquez and Richard Mirano
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Father Daniel Tuite with some friends.

Christ’s new priests for NY and the CFRs

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Saint Patrick’s Cathedral was the setting of a beautiful Mass with the Rites of Ordination to the Priesthood for 10 men.
The cathedral was packed with people from the humble to the “great” to ask the Holy Spirit to come down upon the ordinandi making them priests.
New priests giving their blessings at Saint Joseph’s Seminary.
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The Reverend Father Thomas A. Roslak
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The Reverend Father James H. Ferreira
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The Reverend Father Fredy O. Patino Montoya
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Father Charles-Benoit Reche, CFR
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Eugene with Father Luke Sweeney and
the new ordained The Reverend Father George La Grutta

Archbishop Dolan & Br Ignatius Perkins honored at St Catherine of Siena Priory (NYC) healthcare Mass

See! A wise and faithful virgin standing there with a lamp alight, ready now to meet her Bridegroom, coming soon with pow’r and might. Cath’rine, filled with loving fervor served the Church both night and day: As she taught us, make us faithful to the suff’ring Christ our Way.

St Catherine statue.jpgThe other day I mentioned the 4th annual Mass and award for healthcare professionals who treat the sick and the dying with dignity at Saint Catherine of Siena Priory & Church (East 68th St, NYC) suggesting prayerful solidarity and physical presence, if possible. I had hoped to go myself, but too many things to do at the seminary in the final week of classes prevented me.

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan and Brother Ignatius Perkins, OP, PhD, were honored at the event. The archbishop was the principal celebrant and homilist of the Mass and was joined by a variety of Dominicans, including Father Dominic Izzo, prior provincial of the Province of St Joseph, Father Brian Mulcahy, Izzo’s vicar provincial, and Father Jordan Kelly, curate, Director of Liturgy and hospital chaplain at St Catherine Church and Priory.

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Brother Ignatius was particularly honored by the Dominicans for his work in founding the  Dominican Friars Healthcare Ministry of New York; he is leaving his work as the Director of the DFHM to assume a position as the Dean of the Nursing School at Aquinas College, Nashville, TN. 

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Thanks to one of the Dominican friars, Father Carlos Quijano who took some photos and graciously sent them to me are now shared here.

May Saint Dominic, Saint Catherine and Blessed James Salamone richly bless both the archbishop and Brother Ignatius, especially as Brother transitions to a new ministry for the Order of Friars Preachers and the Church.
Watch an informative video clip, Taking Healthcare’s temp.
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