Cardinal Albert Vanhoye, RIP

The Church mourns the death of Cardinal Albert Vanhoye, SJ, 98, who fell asleep in the on Thursday, 29 July 2021. At 98 years of age, Vanhoye was the world’s oldest cardinal at the time of his death. The oldest cardinal is now the 97-year-old Slovakian Cardinal Jozef Tomko, president emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.

In the pope’s 30 July telegram he described the Cardinal as an “authoritative biblical scholar.” A similar comment was made by Benedict XVI when he created Vanhoye a cardinal in 2006. To be noted, Vanhoye received the cardinal’s red hat on March 24, 2006, having been dispensed from the requirement to be consecrated as a bishop beforehand, something that many of the Jesuits who have been made a cardinal a senior age have requested.

Catholic News Agency ran this obituary for the Cardinal, which gives a brief and interesting perspective on Vanhoye.

May Albert Cardinal Vanhoye rest in peace.