Portsmouth Institute 2021

The Portsmouth Institute is beginning today. “As I Have Loved You” is the them taken from Fourth Gospel and commented upon by saints and theologians alike for centuries. Regrettably the 2021 iteration is virtual but worthy of our attention, as always. Allow me to share a prayer that I think will capture the trajectory of the work to be done. The opening prayer for the Portsmouth Institute is composed by Prior Michael Brunner, OSB, Prior of Portsmouth Abbey and Chancellor of Portsmouth Abbey School.

We pray,

Almighty Father, you sent your Son to save us and demonstrate to us the infinite depth of your love for us. Your son gave us the new overarching commandment to love one another in the same radical manner by which he loved us. Give us, Lord we pray, the grace, courage and strength to love as he did, meek and humble of heart.

Help us to not strike back at those who strike out at us. Help us to love those we do not like, those with whom we disagree, those who vilify us. Help us to respond to them by loving as Jesus did and not with harsh words. Help us to love our country by showing it the way of love by our living it. Help us to actively love the loveless, the hopeless and the faithless.May the way, the truth and the life be visible to the world in us.

Guide us, Lord, on this path of love so that we do not deceive ourselves by following the path of our own loves. Forgive us our failures and consider our right intentions as we live and work and build in the ways of your kingdom. May everything we do be according to your will and for your greater glory, as we follow Jesus Christ the King of hearts. 

In His name we pray, Amen.

The Institute is a collaborative work of the monks of Portsmouth Abbey and St Louis Abbey with key laypeople offering a great program on faith and reason for 2021. Remember, faith and reason go hand-in-hand and is particularly catholic in scope and depth (think of Benedict XVI).

I have known some of the presenters at this year’s Institute for some time, and recommend that you dive deeply with them into the content they offer. I am particularly excited to hear John Cavadini, a friend I met at UND but who is a native of North Haven, Connecticut (a suburb of New Haven). He’s a stellar scholar and a man with a great, loving humanity.