We are fast approaching the great feast of Pentecost. A saint to attend to is St. Basil the Great.
Basil’s work is understood as a key and definitive statement on the divinity of the Holy Spirit in the early Church. A monumental intellectual work on the Holy Spirit won’t appear for many centuries later with Cardinal Ives Congar’s 3 volume work, I Believe in the Holy Spirit (1982).
As one commentator writes, “Unlike the previous approach to defending Christ’s divinity—which had relied on language outside of Scripture since Arian heretics had an explanation for every verse cited against them—Basil based his case for the divinity of the Holy Spirit on an extraordinarily close reading of the Bible, which makes his work unique both for its theological contributions and its exegetical style.”
We all ought to be familiar with the Holy Spirit and what the Church believes and teaches about the Spirit and so if you are inclined, read Basil’s On the Holy Spirit here and here to read the Office of Readings (from the Divine Office) for his feast day.