Saint Monica

St MonicaToday the Church remembers Saint Monica (331 – 387), widow and mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. Her vocation is also that of intercessor for others before the Throne of Grace.

Monica was born at Thagaste, North Africa of a Christian family. Having married at an early age to Patricius, among her children was the famed Saint Augustine.

Augustine’s brilliant intellect and questionable morals opened the door to being a gyrovague with regard to his spiritual life. Like many of today who attach themselves to trendy yet popular ideologies, Augustine was a Manichee and then a Neoplatonist.

For many years and shedding many tears Monica prayed unceasingly to God for his conversion and her prayers were answered shortly before she died. She had a deep and abiding faith in Christ with the strength of virtue allowing us to follow this wonderful example of a Christian mother.

St. Monica, pray for us.