Saint Mary Magdalen

Magdalen raised by Angels GLanfranco.jpgThe day dawns, Mary, bright with joy,

The Lord is victor over death;
You hasten to anoint the Christ,
The truth, thought cold and void of breath.
You come in haste but ’tis to hear
A white-robed angel gladly tell,
“The one you’re seeking rose again,
He broke apart the gates of Hell.”
Your love requires a greater joy,
You ask the gard’ner where He lay,
A “Mary!” turning see the Lord
Your teacher, Jesus Christ, the Way.
The tearful Virgin you upheld,
Beneath the cruel gallows tree
And so Christ chose you first of all
As witness of his victory.
O lovely flow’r of Magdala,
Whose love of Christ earned such apart,
Pray we may also have this gift,
The flame of love within our heart.
Lord Jesus, give us such a love,
To olive like Mary all our days,
And so with her in heaven’s life
To sing your ever-lasting praise.
Text trans. Kenneth Tomkins, OSB, 1992, Quarr Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight