Which love story do you live?

13 years ago an essay in the Colombia Magazine appeared in 2000. The archbishop who wrote, “Renewing God’s House” speaks about our standing with the Lord; the gesture of standing is new way of being present, it is a presence which requires us to intellectually, spiritually and affectively present in the very following of the Lord in light of the various gifts He’s given. Jesus Christ asks us to help Him carry the cross, just like he did with Simon, and Benedict, and Francis and Dominic and countless others, to help Him in repairing the house He’s built. The strength in what Archbishop Chaput is talking about is a communal work of standing with Christ, in the midst of sinners, and in setting our face on the Lord in the way He’s proposed. Grace received in Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist will sustain us, together, as true brothers and sisters. “Renewing God’s House” is an essay worth reading on Spy Wednesday.