The circumstances in Newtown, Connecticut, have raised the awareness of many with regard to human need: love, peace, fraternity, fidelity, acceptance, and safety. Sometimes we are unaware of our own human need, sometimes we are unaware of the person next to us, and sometimes we are unaware of the gifts given to us by God that are in front of us, like companionship.
Consider this [note] from one of our Brother Knights. Many of us were organizing Monday night, but while we were organizing, some others of us were attending our Parishes Senior Youth Group. Their planned meeting had been cancelled last Sunday evening, because of a threat that ended noon mass and closed down the St Rose campus. (Mass always finishes, and it did in the rectory that day). The plan was to bring the teenagers together for a night of consoling, prayer, counseling, confession and Eucharistic Adoration. You have never met a more enthusiastic and spiritual group of young men and women, until you have met these. Meanwhile, our Knights were there to help make Monday night happen in an environment of relative chaos and fear. One young lady commented to her mother, “The Knights make me feel safe“, while she reflected on how their presence reminded her of her dad, and how she just feels safer, and like everything is going to be ok when he is around. I’m sure many other young people felt the same way that night.
Tim HaasGrand KnightKnights of Columbus Saint Virgilius Council 185Saint Rose of Lima Church, Newtown, CT