Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete

Michael Sean Winters’ op-ed pieces aren’t always to my liking. But so what. We all don’t have to agree, do we? There are time writes that he does write some informative articles. Since a friend sent me this NCR article on a friend, Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete, I thought I would post it here for others who may have missed the original June 28, 2012 posting.

Winters writes, “Msgr. Albacete introduced me to many of the people I
now consider dear friends. Of course, there are the good people of Communione e
Liberazione, who have a charism for friendship.” Yes. He did. Thanks be to God for Lorenzo.

In case you’ve not read Msgr. Albacete’s book, God at the Ritz, please do so. You’ll find it good, challenging and helpful for the spiritual life.