Communion and Liberation seeks Saint Benedict’s help

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The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation has its patron Saint Benedict. Let’s implore Saint Benedict to look kindly on this charism of the Church and for the Supreme Pontiff on his name day. In our charity we ought to remember before the Throne of Grace Bishop Martino Matronola, abbot of Montecassino, who was CL’s first ecclesial superior.

You bestowed on Saint Benedict
rich gifts of the Holy Spirit,
making him the father
of a great multitude of the just,
and an outstanding teacher
of love for you and for our neighbor.
In his holy Rule, with a clear and wise discretion, he taught men and women to walk the path of salvation under the guidance of Christ and the Gospel and now he is revered as the patron of a multitude of nations.

-from the Eucharistic Preface for today’s Feast of Saint Benedict in the Ambrosian Church.