The US leadership of the Catholic lay ecclesial movement Communion and Liberation issued a flyer on the recent events concerning the HSS mandate to curb religious freedom. The flyer is written in light of recent US bishops’ statement on religious liberty. As you might expect, what’s at the center of the controversy is our witness that Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
What is at stake in this moment of our history is not
just the possibility for religious groups to continue to give their own
original contribution to American society, but also the possibility for any man
or woman to gain access to the truth of life. For this reason, we will not give
up the right to publicly witness to the world, through our lives and our work,
what we hold most dear. With the words of the Russian writer Vladimir Soloviev,
we repeat today what Christians have been repeating for 2,000 years.“In the
grieved voice the Emperor addressed them: ‘Tell me yourselves, you strange
people…you Christians, deserted by the majority of your brothers and leaders:
what do you hold most dear in Christianity?’ At this Elder John rose up and
said in a quiet voice: ‘Great sovereign! What we hold the most dear in
Christianity is Christ Himself – He in His person. All the rest comes from Him,
for we know that in Him dwells bodily the whole fullness of Divinity.'”
The entire statement can be read here: What we hold most dear – a CL flyer 2012.pdf