Saint Anthony of the Desert

St Anthony of the Desert.jpg

The father of monasticism, Saint Anthony reminds us of two things: to deny the self is a freeing gesture in one’s relationship with God and with others. Remember: we have communion with God and communion with our friends.
The denial of self is not merely the denial of material things but our preconceived ideas and skepticism. The second prayer highlights for me the vigilance needed to be aware of evil. The powers of darkness are real and need to be confronted.

The Collect

O God, who brought the Abbot Saint Anthony to serve you by a wondrous way of life in the desert, grant, through his intercession, that, denying ourselves, we may always love you above all things.

Prayer After Communion
Nourished for our healing by your Sacraments, O Lord, may we escape every snare of the enemy unharmed, just as by your grace Saint Anthony won glorious victories over the powers of darkness.