Saint Monica

St Monica PdellaFrancesca.jpgAnd when the Lord saw [the mother of the deceased
young man], he had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’ And he
came and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, ‘Young
man, I say to you, arise.’ And the dead man sat up, and began to speak. And he
gave him to his mother” (Luke 12:13-15).

The Holy Spirit saw to it that Monica’s son Augustine was baptized in 387 by Saint Ambrose, after he resisted her for 17 years.

A blessed feast day of Saint Monica, especially two friends who bear the name of Monica, the parish of Saint Monica, Northford, CT.

I also remember Mother Monica, OP, a former Prioress of Our Lady of Grace Monastery, North Guilford, CT. She made me a 15 decade rosary in 1983.

Saint Monica is often known as the patron saint for those who have difficult and abusive marriages, of troubled youth, the conversion of relatives. She might as well be the patron saint of the virtues of patience and perseverance.