Prayers for Bishop David M. O’Connell, CM

Prayers are requested for the Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, CM, Bishop of Trenton, 56, who is suffering the effects of an blood infection and clot in his foot made more complex due to diabetes.

The Vincentian Fathers and Brothers, the religious family to whom Bishop O’Connell belongs, sent a request for prayers the other day. We happily oblige.

One thought on “Prayers for Bishop David M. O’Connell, CM”

  1. Prayers are with the bishop for his Good health.
    I heard recently that Bishop O’Connell, is diabetic. Please ask him to talk of this to spread awareness to help the cure.
    Many . suffer and sometimes feel alone .If more bishops ,priest clergy , spoke of this it would help others . And also let people know it is ok . Also i would recommend the Diabetic forcast magazine . if he does not already get it. I pray for his speedy recovery
    Yours Julie erickson

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