In the Virgin Mary’s Assumption we have a path to our destiny in the God

Today’s feast celebrates the ultimate fulfillment of Mary’s
journey as God’s faithful and humble servant. As we reflect on this joyful
feast, we hopefully realize that she is inviting us and teaching us to sing the
Magnificat [the text for today’s Gospel] along with her as we continue along
our own journeys, however near or far the fulfillment of our journey remains.
We too are invited to proclaim in joy and humble service the compassion and
justice of our God. Today’s feast assures us that like Mary, in serving the
reign of God, we too will one day share in her destiny. (Father Damian, Abbot of Saint Joseph’s Abbey, Spencer)

The Office of Readings leads us to shout for joy:

Dearest brethren, this is a time
when all flesh should shout for joy, because the Mother of the Word made flesh
is assumed into heaven; nor should human mortality desist from singing songs of
praise on this glorious festival, when the nature of man is elevated in the
Virgin to solitary eminence, high above all the orders of immortal spirits.
(Saint Bernard, Second Nocturn)