…and this is the Holy Father’s theme for the 45th World Day of Prayer of Peace of January 1, 2012.
This is a theme that Pope Benedict comes back to with some frequency in his addresses to bishops, to the diplomats, gatherings of priests and religious and encyclicals. It all has to hang together: lectio divina, Scripture study, liturgical praxis, the spiritual and moral life and matters of justice. In the ’60s and ’70s we would often see a separation of faith from justice which led to a radical reduction of the human person, virtue and politics. As it was said, “The theme engages an urgent need in the world today: to listen to and enhance the important role of new generations in the realization of the common good, and in the affirmation of a just and peaceful social order where the fundamental human rights can be fully expressed and realized,” (LOR online).
The English edition of the L’Osservatore Romano has a spot on the papal choice here.
And, what is our work going to be in the near future: to listen, to enhance, to work and to pray for peace and justice today.