The Capuchin Franciscans in Japan are on the ground working and praying for grace to face the problems the Japanese people are living. The Capuchin mission to Japan is sponsored by the Capuchin Friars of Saint Mary’s Province (NY & New England).
Prayers (Mass intentions, rosary, fasting) and financial assistance welcome.
Here is part 2 of communications from the Capuchins: Capcuhins in Japan United part 2, April 3 2011.pdf
Hi Paul!
Totally off subject, but I was wondering if you had any “insider scoop” on Bernhard Lehner, the 14 y.o. German boy who ‘died of an illness’ in WWII Germany? It sounds intriguing…(yes that’s a hint!)
Praying you’re having a profound Lententide…:)
God Bless,