The sad news of Fr Corapi being placed on administrative leave is making the rounds. His own testimony of the facts is noted here.
Let us pray that Saint Joseph will intercede before his son and our redeemer, Jesus Christ, for a quick resolution. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Due process is yet another casualty in the culture war against Christ and His Church.
Father Corapi should never have been put on “Administrative Leave.” This is simply an ecclesial invention for “already proven guilty.” Fr. John has many enemies, even within the Church just because he is so orthodox and straightforward in his homilies and general preaching appearances.
He is a hermit, and this should be known. He is never seen in the company of women when alone, and yet, he is on trial. I hope and pray he is found innocent. Yet, even if he is, he will forever be scarred by this terrible accusation.
This lattest accusation leveled against Fr. Corapi is about as believable as the Easter Bunny. Yet this is Satan’ area of expertise as the “father of lies” — drawing poor innocent people into the cloud of confusion and UNKNOWING in which most bishops find themselves. Fr. Corapi will be vindicated. He needs prayers, yes. But his enemies need a miracle to turn from the path that is leading them into the depths of hell. God help them.
I wonder how difficult it would be for a group of dissedent Bishops to frame an innocent priest.
Henry, it would not be difficult at all. They have a lot of power, and they are very human.