O Cyril Methodius, glorious teachers, with brilliance you taught
the Moravians to bless God in their own words, by translating the law of the
Lord from Greek into Slavonic. You taught His righteousness. Therefore, the
Slav peoples now give glory to God in joy.
Who can proclaim the wonders of the
Lord, which Cyril and Methodius did to his glory? They overcame the poison of the Saracens. They tore apart the heavy nets. Their language closed the mouths of the corrupt
Khazars with the faith of the Lord. They made sweet the bitter waters and
delighted the good people that had sat in darkness.
Lord, which Cyril and Methodius did to his glory? They overcame the poison of the Saracens. They tore apart the heavy nets. Their language closed the mouths of the corrupt
Khazars with the faith of the Lord. They made sweet the bitter waters and
delighted the good people that had sat in darkness.
Stichera at the Praises,
Tone 8
Tone 8