The reviews of the 2011 NY Encounter sponsored by Communion and Liberation in January continue to surface. A recent view by Sophie Lewis on gave some things to think about in an article, “A Living Cathedral.” Lewis puts her finger on living a new way. Namely, that Jesus Christ has loved us before we were aware of that love.
Quoting a priest’s homily Lewis notes: “All of you are here because you were loved first, and that is what should be the purpose of your work here.” This COULD NOT BE TRUER! The priest continues: “You are not engaged in an altruistic community service project, but you are here because Someone else loves you and you are responding to that love.” Now, THIS is the perfect way of indicating our response to the invitation to meet God who works hard to meet us.
Sophie Lewis is 17 and approaching university life soon. Happy to see her digging into the beauty and work of Communion and Liberation!