This week the Christian Churches around the world are observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today, the Pope gave his thoughts on the subject:
1. “we have listening to the teaching of the Apostles, or
listening to the witness that they give to the mission, life, death and
resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It is what Paul simply calls the Gospel”.
“Even today, the community of believers recognizes in reference to the
teaching of the Apostles the law for their faith; every effort to build unity
among all Christians therefore passes through the deepening of fidelity to the
deposit of faith handed down to us by the apostles.”
3. “the breaking of bread, in which the Lord Himself becomes present in the one sacrifice of the Cross.” Communion in Christ’s sacrifice is the culmination of our union with God and is therefore also the fullness of the unity of the disciples of Christ, full communion.
On Prayer: “has always been the constant attitude of the disciples of Christ,” since the first community. It is once again in prayer that we are here together, especially this week, along with all those who confess their faith in Jesus Christ.”