Queen Elizabeth II’s address to the 9th General Synod of the Church of England: face the challenges or else…

It’s funny for Catholics to hear of the Queen being the head of the Church of England. But she is. Anglican way of doing things is foreign to my experience and so I am intrigued by what I read and hear about the CofE. She gently reminds the bishops and assembled laity that there are crucial challenges to face and exhorts them to heed Saint Paul. The Queen also dares to mention the recent visit of Pope Benedict to England in that protestant hall. As a point of contrast, read through the following address Her Majesty gave today to her ecclesial body: there’s a distinct difference in content and style between what is said by the Queen and how the Pope would say things. We need to pray that the Queen and her family come home to the bosom of Mother Church.

Queen attends 9th Synod.jpg

Your Graces, The
Convocations of Canterbury and York, duly called together in obedience to Our
Royal Writs, are on this day joined together in accordance with the Synodical
Government Measure 1969 and the House of Laity is added to them in accordance
with that Measure, so as to constitute the ninth General Synod of the Church of

Those who serve the Church of England in its public ministry are
required to affirm their loyalty to its inheritance of faith as their
inspiration and guidance under God. They also declare their commitment to
bringing the grace and truth of Christ and making him known to those in their

The opening of a new Synod is a moment when we can all give thanks for
the witness of those who have gone before, and pray for wisdom as you seek to
balance change and continuity in the decisions that lie ahead of you.

Next year
will see two important anniversaries. It will be four hundred years since the
publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible commissioned by King James,
and two hundred years since the foundation of the National Society for
Promoting Religious Education. Both developments had a lasting impact on the
life of the Church and the nation.

The Authorised Version has remained one of the defining elements of our heritage. Similarly the Church of England’s initiative to build new schools at the beginning of the nineteenth century created a momentum which led eventually to Parliament establishing a universal right to education.

In our more diverse and secular society, the place of religion has come to be a matter of lively discussion. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue and that the wellbeing and prosperity of the nation depend on the contribution of individuals and groups of all faiths and of none. Yet, as the recent visit of His Holiness The Pope reminded us, churches and the other great faith traditions retain the potential to inspire great enthusiasm, loyalty and a concern for the common good.

The new Synod will have many issues to resolve to ensure that the Church of England remains equipped for the effective pursuit of its mission and ministry. Some will, no doubt, involve difficult, even painful, choicesBut Christian history suggests that times of growth and spiritual vigour have often coincided with periods of challenge and testing. What matters is holding firmly to the need to communicate the gospel with joy and conviction in our society.

For at the heart of our faith stand not a preoccupation with our own welfare and comfort but the concepts of service and of sacrifice as shown in the life and teachings of the one who made himself nothing, taking the very form of a servant.

A report to the last Synod concluded with St Paul’s encouragement to the Ephesian church to “lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Archbishops and members of the Synod, the five years ahead will not always be straightforward. But I am confident that with the encouragement of these words of St. Paul and the certainty of the love of God, you will find the strength and the vision to work together to succeed. May the Lord’s blessing be on you as you embark on your important deliberations.

An interesting headline from the Guardian of the UK which read: “Anglican church faces ‘piece by piece dissolution’, warns archbishop” … it looks like their identity and ways of acting as Anglicans is coming to an end with the internal disintegration. One could posit that the disintegration has been happening in the Church in England since Henry VIII formed his own church. Rowan Williams tries to keep the whole thing together but it seems that he might not be able to do it much longer.

One thought on “Queen Elizabeth II’s address to the 9th General Synod of the Church of England: face the challenges or else…”

    It may be remembered that in exercise of powers conferred under Holy Quranic verses 17:16
    and 28:59,we are sending the following messages that the Holy Quran and Islamic community
    are not false for the following reasons:[English Quranic verses are available in the website
    1.under the Holy Quranic verses 43:63and 43:64,Our Jesus said that:
    43:63. When Jesus came
    With Clear Signs, he said:
    “Now have I come
    To you with Wisdom,
    And in order to make
    Clear to you some
    Of the (points) on which
    Ye dispute: therefore fear God
    And obey me.
    43:64. “For God, He is my Lord
    And your Lord: so worship
    Ye Him: this is
    A Straight Way.
    43:65. But sects from among
    Themselves fell into disagreement:
    Then woe to the wrong-doers,
    From the Penalty
    Of a Grievous Day!
    43:66. Do they only wait
    For the Hour—that it
    Should come on them
    All of a sudden,
    While they perceive not?
    2.under the Holy Quranic verse 5:82 it is revealed that:
    5:13. But because of their breach
    Of their Covenant, We
    Cursed them, and made
    Their hearts grow hard:
    They change the words
    From their (right) places
    And forget a good part
    Of the Message that was
    Sent them, nor wilt thou
    Cease to find them
    Barring a few—ever
    Bent on (new) deceits:
    But forgive them, and overlook
    (Their misdeeds): for God
    Loveth those who are kind.
    5:14. From those, too, who call
    Themselves Christians,
    We did take a Covenant,
    But they forgot a good part
    Of the Message that was
    Sent them: so We estranged
    Them, with enmity and hatred
    Between the one and the other,
    To the Day of Judgment.
    5:82. Strongest among men in enmity
    To the Believers wilt thou
    Find the Jews and Pagans;
    And nearest among them in love
    To the Believers wilt thou
    Find those who say,
    “We are Christians”:
    Because amongst these are
    Men devoted to learning
    And men who have renounced
    The world, and they
    Are not arrogant.
    3.under the Holy Quranic verses 57:27 and 57:28 it is further revealed that:
    57:27. Then, in their wake,
    We followed them up
    With (others of) Our apostles:
    We sent after them
    Jesus the son of Mary,
    And bestowed on him
    The Gospel; and We ordained
    In the hearts of those
    Who followed him
    Compassion and Mercy.
    But the Monasticism
    Which they invented
    For themselves, We did not
    Prescribe for them:
    (We commanded) only
    The seeking for the Good
    Pleasure of God; but that
    They did not foster
    As they should have done.
    Yet We bestowed, on those
    Among them who believed,
    Their (due) reward, but
    Many of them are
    Rebellious transgressors.
    57:28. O ye that believe!
    Fear God, and believe
    In His Apostle, and He will
    Bestow on you a double
    Portion of His Mercy:
    He will provide for you
    A Light by which ye
    Shall walk (straight
    In your path), and He
    Will forgive you (your past):
    For God is Oft-Forgiving,
    Most Merciful:
    4.under the Holy Quranic verse 5:116 what happens at the Day Of Ressurection between
    Our Jesus and his followers before Our Almighty is also revealed as:
    5:116. And behold! God will say:
    “O Jesus the son of Mary!
    Didst thou say unto men,
    Worship me and my mother
    As gods in derogation of God’?”
    He will say: “Glory to Thee!
    Never could I say
    What I had no right
    (To say). Had I said
    Such a thing, Thou wouldst
    Indeed have known it.
    Thou knowest what is
    In my heart, though I
    Know not what is
    In Thine. For Thou
    Knowest in full
    All that is hidden.
    5.under the Holy Quranic verse 5:110 it is revealed that:
    5:110. When will God say:
    “O Jesus the son of Mary!
    Recount My favour”‘
    To thee and to thy mother.
    Behold! I strengthened thee
    With the holy spirit,
    So that thou didst speak
    To the people in childhood
    And in maturity.
    Behold! I taught thee
    The Book and Wisdom,
    The Law and the Gospel.
    And behold! thou makest
    Out of clay, as it were,
    The figure of a bird,
    By My leave,
    And thou breathest into it,
    And it becometh a bird
    By My leave,
    And thou healest those
    Born blind, and the lepers,
    By My leave.
    And behold! thou
    Bringest forth the dead
    By My leave ego
    And behold! I did
    Restrain the Children of Israel
    From (violence to) thee
    When thou didst show them
    The Clear Signs,
    And the unbelievers among them
    Said: ‘This is nothing
    But evident magic.
    6.under the Holy Quranic verse 2:99 it is revealed that:
    2:99. We have sent down to thee
    Manifest Signs (ayat);
    And none reject them
    But those who are perverse.
    In view of the aforesaid submissions,it is humbly submitted that if the Holy Quran is
    false and was created by Prophet Mohamed,it ought not have revealed various verses in favour
    of Christians.But due to non co-operation and failure of due consideration and
    interpretation of the entire chapters of the Holy Quran,the two largest populations of the
    world are fighting with each other.As a result of it,there is no unity and peace in the
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