Pope to Scotland –and the rest of us: pay attention to faith AND reason viz. Catholic identity

At one point in the Pope’s homily in Glasgow, Scotland, today he said:

Pope Benedict in Glasgow Scotland Sept 16 2010.jpg

The evangelization
of culture
is all the more important in our times, when a “dictatorship of
threatens to obscure the unchanging truth about man’s nature,
his destiny and his ultimate good.  There are some who now seek to exclude
religious belief from public discourse
, to privatize it or even to paint it as
a threat to equality and liberty. Yet religion is in fact a guarantee of authentic
liberty and respect, leading us to look upon every person as a brother or
sister. For this reason I appeal in particular to you, the lay faithful, in
accordance with your baptismal calling and mission, not only to be examples of
faith in public, but also to put the case for the promotion of faith’s wisdom
and vision in the public forum.
Society today needs clear voices which propose
our right to live, not in a jungle of self-destructive and arbitrary freedoms, but
in a society which works for the true welfare of its citizens and offers them
guidance and protection in the face of their weakness and fragility. Do not be
afraid to take up this service
to your brothers and sisters, and to the future
of your beloved nation.

A few ideas to consider based on what said above:

  • notice: the pope speaks about the
    evangelization of culture,
    not only evangelization;
  • understand: relativism has become
    dictatorial in all ways, particularly in its approach truth, how it understands true happiness and man’s eternal destiny is questioned, abused and rejected as unimportant for the 21st century person;
  • question: why and in what ways have some people relegate God, honest intercourse between faith and reason and human
    dignity to the sidelines, what are the avoiding?, and why do voices of dissent get more credence than eternal truth;
  • question: has religion lost its ability
    to guarantee authentic human liberty?, how can we propose otherwise?;
  • question: why do Catholics shy away -perhaps even
    intimated from making their voice heard in the public square–from talking about
    their faith in Christ as the supreme savior of all of humanity?;
  • how any true notion of what true
    welfare of people is be neglectful of the unborn, the elderly, prisoners, children, the
    poor and homeless, etc?
Now are the times that I wish God kept Father Richard John Neuhaus and Cardinal Dulles among us! In case you haven’t noticed, what the Pope is talking about here is exactly what groups like Communion and Liberation and Opus Dei are doing what the Holy Father asks to happen in the Church and society.