Friends are a path to God

PAZ with Br Andre of Marmion August 18 2010.jpg

PAZ with Brother Andre of Marmion Abbey, August 18, 2010
I spent time with friends recently. Visiting with friends is always a treat but it is also reassuring to re-affirm friendship and mutual love as I believe good (true) friends are a path to God. Read the Cistercian fathers on this theme. One such Cistercian Father caught my eye in recent years, Baldwin of Forde (1120-1190), said, “no one should be deluded on the love of God, no one should deceive himself: he who does not love his neighbor does not love God” and “So it is by loving one’s neighbor, through a bond of peace and a fetter of love, that the love of God and the unity of the Spirit are maintained in us” (De vita coenobitica, seu communi).
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Archbishop Rembert George Weakland, OSB and PAZ, August 19, 2010
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Father Stephen Hyrcyniak with Abbot Leo Ryska of St Benedict’s Abbey, August 21, 2010
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Father Stephen Hyrcyniak with PAZ, August 21, 2010