Saint Bridget of Sweden

St Bridget of Sweden2.jpgIn Christ’s death, I have died now;
In Christ I live anew.
With faith in God’s Son, Jesus,
That keeps me ever true,
I know the love he’s shown me,
That washed my sin away.
His cross, which daily leads me
And guides me as I pray.

Thus Bridget, monarch, mother,
Good spouse and Christian wise,
Lived Jesus’ sacred Passion
Each day before his eyes.
She loved the poor and lowly,
Gave all her store away,
Called men and women to her
To live the gospel way.

Give glory to the Father,
Whose loving plan ordained
That we should each be purchased
From sin and sorrow’s shame!
Give glory to Christ Jesus,
Whose death has set us free!
Give glory to the Spirit;
To God, the One-in-Three.

J. Michael Thompson
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