Saint Agnes

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Almighty and everlasting God, you choose those whom the world deems powerless to put the powerful to shame: Grant us so to cherish the memory of your youthful martyr Agnes,  that we may share her pure and steadfast faith in you.

Let us now our voices raise,
Wake this day with gladness;
God has now to joy and praise
Changed our human sadness–
Joy that Agnes won her crown,
Entered heaven’s portal
When she laid the mortal down

For the life immortal!
Praise we God, whose wondrous grace
Showered on this martyr,
Giving strength in death’s fierce face
Not with sin to barter;
Rather claiming Christ as Lord,
Vowed to him forever.
Fullest praise let us afford,
Hymns that shall cease never!

To the Father, giving life,
Endless praise be given,
To the Son, who through death’s strife
Brings us all to heaven,
To the Spirit, Paraclete,
Filling all with graces
Be our song of joy complete,
Through the endless ages.

J. Michael Thompson
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications
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For more on Saint Agnes, read the post from last year which includes a brief paragraph on the blessing of lambs.
What the video on the blessing of lambs whose wool is used for the weaving of pallia.