Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: the 1st American citizen canonized a saint

Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini.jpg

God our Father, You called Frances Xavier Cabrini from Italy to serve the immigrants of America. By her example teach us concern for the stranger, the sick, and the frustrated. By her prayers help us to see Christ in all the men and women we meet.

Though born in Lombardy, Mother Cabrini immigrated to the USA with the permission of Pope Leo XIII. She founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to care for the poor children in schools and hospitals, especially the Italian immigrants. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is the patroness of immigrants. The Mass prayer (collect) above is a beautiful expression of how theology meets our human reality. Saint Frances Cabrini is buried* here in NYC…pay a visit to her shrine!

* Saint Frances’ body is here in NYC but a leg bone is in Chicago and her heart and head are in Rome and her home town.