O loving and sustaining Lord: in honor of Saint Charles Borromeo

St Charels Borromeo2.jpg1. O loving and sustaining Lord, 
A joyful song your people raise 
On this, our patron’s festive day 
And sing your love in thankful praise. 

2. A bishop faithful to your word, 
A pastor loving to the sheep, 
Charles preached the Gospel truth to all, 
And strove th’Apostles’ faith to keep. 

3. A lover of the Cath’lic faith, 
He worked to build within his see 
A knowledge and a love of God 
That all in Christ be fully free. 

4. His tireless striving for the poor 
Was modeled on the Christ, his Lord; 
He taught the doubter and the lost 
And brought the beggar to his board. 

5. All glory, Lord, to you we sing, 
And thanks for Charles your bishop bring, 
As we the Father now adore 
And Holy Spirit, evermore. 

J. Michael Thompson 
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