O God, You revealed the power of the Spirit in Your holy martyr John. Through his example and prayers, strengthen us to serve the Church under the banner of the cross and to carry out in every land the missions entrusted to us by the successor of Peter.
Born in 1579 to a noble Calvinist family in Scotland, he studied on the continent converting to Catholicism at the Scots College in Louvain. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1599 and was ordained priest in Paris in 1610. Returning to Scotland in 1613 his ministry lasted for 13 months before he was betrayed, arrested and imprisoned. On March 10, 1615 he was interrogated, tortured and hanged for the charge of denying the king’s supremacy in matters of religion. Pope Paul VI canonized Ogilvie in 1976. He is remembered for his fidelity to the Holy See and to the doctrine of papal primacy in matters spiritual. For more on Saint John Ogilvie, read a short bio here.
Isn’t his memorial in March? Its impossible for me to sign in to your site for some reason, by the way.
Hi Michael! Thanks for reading the blog. Yes, the Roman Martyrology has St John Ogilvie commemorated on 10 March. However, I am following the Jesuit Ordo and he’s listed for 14 October. Likely the Jesuit Ordo has Ogilvie’s feast in October because if in March he would not be commemorated in the worldwide order of the SJ because of Lent. And because St Ignatius of Antioch’s liturgical memorial is on 17 October (Ogilvie’s canonization date) the nearest free day to his canonization would be the 14th. Make sense?