Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me
according to your word.
our queen and mother. With the support of her prayers may we come to share the
glory of your children in the kingdom of heaven.
convinced that this feast will help to preserve, strengthen and prolong that
peace among nations which daily is almost destroyed by recurring crises. Is she
not a rainbow in the clouds reaching towards God, the pledge of a covenant of
peace? “Look upon the rainbow, and bless Him that made it; surely it is
beautiful in its brightness. It encompasses the heaven about with the circle of
its glory, the hands of the Most High have displayed it. “Whoever,
therefore, reverences the Queen of heaven and earth – and let no one consider
himself exempt from this tribute of a grateful and loving soul – let him invoke
the most effective of Queens, the Mediatrix of peace; let him respect and
preserve peace, which is not wickedness unpunished nor freedom without
restraint, but a well-ordered harmony under the rule of the will of God; to its
safeguarding and growth the gentle urgings and commands of the Virgin Mary
impel us.”
how through the millennia Mary was honored with the title of “Mother of God” and
therefore theologians and preachers have accorded her the title of Queen of Heaven
and Earth.
and pray the prayer of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed
Virgin Mary as proposed by the pope.
A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of
Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of Your Son on earth, we
consecrate ourselves and our families to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to You, all the people of our
country and all the world.
Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and
use us as You wish to accomplish Your designs in the world.
O Sorrowful and
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and Queen of the
World, rule over us, together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Our King.
Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism; kindle in our hearts and
homes the love of purity, the practice of a virtuous life, an ardent zeal for
souls, and a desire to pray the Rosary more faithfully.
We come with confidence
to You, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love. Inflame us with the same
Divine Fire which has inflamed Your own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Make
our hearts and homes Your shrine, and through us, make the Heart of Jesus,
together with your rule, triumph in every heart and home. Amen.
Servant of God Pope Pius XII
just a suggestion: it would be really helpful to some of us to see the name of the art piece you are using and the artist.
Thanks. Some others have made a similar suggestion. In the future, I will hope to do so. Sometimes I don’t know the artist, esp when it comes to some of the saints.
Thanks for reading. PAX!