Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of Mary

Mother Anne, be joyful;Life of Joachim & Anne Giotto.jpg

sing, O mother holy,
Since thou art the parent
O God’s Mother lowly.
Praise thy wondrous daughter;
Joachim, too raises
To the Virgin Mary
His paternal praises.
For in her our planet
First hath benediction
Which hapless Eva
Suffered malediction.
Therefore take the praises
Joyous hearts are paying;
And from all defilement
Cleanse us by thy praying.
Father, Son eternal,
Holy Ghost supernal,
With one praise we bless Thee,
Three in One confess Thee. Amen.
(the Lauds hymn for the feast)
O God, Who did choose blessed Joachim and Anne to be the parents of the glorious Mother of Thine only-begotten Son, grant us through their prayers to praise Thy mercy forever in the fellowship of Thine elect.