Becoming like Christ

Pay attention! The author has something really important to say:

The Encyclical Mystici Corporis says expressly:
the Holy Spirit is communicated to the Church so that she and each of her
members may become daily more and more like to our Savior. Those whom God
foreknew he predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son (Romans 8:29);
every Christian is holy and pleasing to God to the extent that he has become
like Christ.

And it is the Holy Spirit who is the artisan who will
fashion the traits of the divine resemblance in us
, making us daily more and
more like to our Savior
. If we would cooperate fully with his action, each day
would witness some progress in our becoming more like Christ.

Struck by this thought, [Blessed] Sr. Elizabeth of the Trinity prayed:
Spirit of love, descend within me and reproduce in me as it were, an
incarnation of the Word, that I may be to him another humanity; wherein he
renews his mystery.

If Christ is the model to which all the baptized should
conform, there is no presumption in aspiring to become so like him that he can
renew his mystery in us, or rather, prolong in us his work of glorifying the
Father and of redeeming men. Indeed this is exactly Jesus’ desire in sending us
his Spirit.

Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen, OCD, Divine Intimacy